Rant About Yaoi - Comments

  • There is a lot of internalized misogyny and the "white knight" appeal in some content produced by Japanese artists, unfortunately. It's apparent in some of their customs as well; women sit in the back of the car for many of the outings, even without child. I thought that was a bit peculiar when I visited there. Coffee It happens in other countries, yes, but damn.

    But such is a different culture and manner of thinking. Hell, my ma worked in Japan and a male worker tried to speak to her a certain way because she was a woman and she did not avoid his gaze and take the verbal mistreatment.

    She looked him in the eyes, which was a cultural taboo and out of character and respect if she was Japanese (she is not. She does respect the culture as best as she can but this Japanese man was trying to intimidate her!). She then proceeded to tell him that she wasn't going to do task xyz if he spoke to her like that.

    There are also some stereotypical beliefs on how LGBT+ individuals are in Japan especially; watching Rachel & Jun's videos on YT really made me laugh and shake my head at their immediate responses to "what do you think of ____/foreigners, for example." It's no wonder why shows like Hetalia came from Japan. Caricatures, man. It's problematic but some of it is blissful ignorance.
    February 15th, 2016 at 02:31am
  • Everything about this is so yes.
    Yes. Yes. Yes.
    I could write sonnets about how true this blog is.
    February 14th, 2016 at 09:03pm
  • This blog is everything Dance I find that yaoi rarely actually caters to gay men, but more to the (predominantly female) straight fanbase. Yaoi honestly makes me so uncomfortable, which is the reason I stay so far away from them and the fanbase who fetishizes gay relationships portrayed this way.
    February 14th, 2016 at 08:46pm

    this blog sums up all my issues with bad yaoi like they make me cringe so hard thank the lord you wrote it down for me Hail especially this: "Why must there be an obvious 'male' and 'female' in the relationship?" and everything that you typed along with it. it's always been one of the most ludicrous parts of all of this and i'm just wondering how many relationships they've seen like that to make it appear to be the norm in their fiction; i know it happens, but the amount of times i've seen it with my own eyes is slim to none. it seems like, with the oh-so-obvious distinction between mr. manly man and i'm-so-small-and-weak-please-protect-me-and-treat-me-like-a-kitten-always-and-give-me-no-defining-traits, they're really just trying to make a (bad) male/female dynamic and slapping a m/m label on it to draw more eyes. it's a bad time for us all.
    February 14th, 2016 at 08:39pm
  • @ Fusion Gem Hina
    I just can't see Luffy being sexual. Ever. Or even romantically involved with someone. Facepalm

    Ah, no. Those bad yaoi won't turn me off completely. I'd read this one that's really good plot-wise. I forgot the title though. Like one of the characters was scared of the dark of the night so he always resorted to one night stands so he didn't have to be alone. And then came this other dude and he kept coming back every night. And they started falling in love but the scared one started pulling away because he had commitment issue. And in that one, neither of the men was even remotely feminine-looking.
    February 14th, 2016 at 07:56pm
  • YAAAAS! Er, well, Idk about Luffy considering I Haven't watched One Piece beyond Sonji joining the crew but that's why I like characters like him too. Cause they don't have the need to be dominant and if they do fall in love then it's more or less because they're actually in love and not trying to convince themselves they're straight or bisexual. lmao. Arms
    Seriously though, don't let the yoai's get you down or turn you off from them completely, cause like i said, there are a few that don't have the whole rape/dominant character thing going on.
    February 14th, 2016 at 07:37pm
  • @ insufferable;
    I was just ranting because I can't keep these thoughts in my head anymore. Facepalm It's been bugging me so hard.

    @ Hina;
    Exactly! Unless it's obviously a consensual BDSM thing, dominancy isn't hot at all. Not at all. That's why I love Luffy. He's the most non-sexual human anime character that I know. Weird
    February 14th, 2016 at 07:09pm
  • Exactly. Blah, that's why I kinda like yuri/shoujo-ais a bit more than yoais half the time cause those don't require dominancy thing and forced rape thing unless there's a bdsm thing but that's rare in a shoujo-ai.
    February 14th, 2016 at 07:01pm
  • This blog. Everything you said is absolutely true, tbh.
    February 14th, 2016 at 06:57pm
  • @ insufferable;
    You're welcome? Weird Shifty

    I'm not sure why you're thanking me for?
    February 14th, 2016 at 06:55pm
  • @ Hina;
    I mean, cute, stolen kisses is okay, I guess. I'm always a sucker for pure romance and cutesy scenes. But just straight up sex when the partner clearly says no is so wrong in so many levels. I don't care if you're the dominant one in the relationship. It's just not right.
    February 14th, 2016 at 06:54pm
  • THANK YOU!Hail Hail Hail
    February 14th, 2016 at 06:52pm
  • It never sits well with me either because when i read this rape scene in Gravitation where Shuichi wanted to protect Yuki i just cringed and just yeah. There are some yaoi/shonen-ai that aren't all that bad tbh. I can't name them off the top of my head right now but I do remember there are some out there that are more or less just pure romance.... Like Fake. Fake uses the Mr. Manly Man and Feminine Looking Guy trope too but the only thing that is forced between the two characters are small cute kisses and even then most of them are just cover ups so the two characters wont be caught tailing their suspects (the two main characters are cops).

    That whole pillar of support and dominating thing definitely explains a lot but like you said, it's unsettling.
    February 14th, 2016 at 06:50pm
  • @ Hina;
    Yeah... I remember reading something along that line somewhere before. But it just doesn't sit well with me and I'm just going to stay away from those kinds of things just for the sake of my own well-being. Facepalm I notice for the Japanese, the men are looked up as a pillar of support, a strong, dominant force and so in some of these anime, these men become too dominant even in bed. But as I'd said before, it really doesn't sit well with me.
    February 14th, 2016 at 06:27pm
  • Eiri Yuki of Gravitation fits the whole Mr. Manly Man insists he's not gay but fucks a feminine guy anyways and his boyfriend or wife Shuichi Shindo fits the feminine gay guy looking like or can pass as a girl fucked by Mr. Manly Man bill... >.> I feel you though. A lot of those yoai/shonen-ai mangas seem to recycle the same character tropes over and over again.

    I think in thier culture, they portray Mr. Manly Man to be Manly and not be so feminine because men are expected to keep their emotions/feelings gaurded well. And not be so... attached to people... I guess...? THat's how it was explained to me when I asked this one anime fan (who was actually good at analyzing animes and mangas) about these tropes.
    February 14th, 2016 at 06:17pm