Hoping to Bang the European Boys | Do You Have Weight Loss Tips? - Comments

  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Pfft, I do it all the time, it's not a bother at all. As I said, I'm going down next week just to see Simple Plan, so it's not crazy. Besides, I went on a bus to Italy once, nothing can break me now. Weird And it gives me time to read. Weird YES ABSOLUTELY WE CAN THAT WOULD BE THE COOLEST. lmfao

    And I shall be paying close attention to them for you. tehe

    THEY'RE ACTUALLY ALL HOT, IT'S SO WEIRD. I went to Germany (well, a theme park in Germany) for a class while I was on exchange and hot damn, I was in heaven. We went to the supermarket (we had a German exchange friend, so she translated everything for us) and even the cashiers were beautiful. Happy face To be fair though, we also used to watch the German football for their legs, so it's all cool.

    I FEEL LIKE ME AND TIM COULD BE FRIENDS. Weird The accent when they speak English is amazingly hot as well, so I can imagine it must have been awesome to sit and listen to him talk. Weird Both of the Germans on my exchange trip were girls, and they were both super-pretty as well, so I think it must be something in the water over in Germany. They're all stunning. Happy face

    To be fair though, Dutch boys aren't bad either and from what I seen when I was in Belgium, they weren't bad either, so I think maybe it's just that bit of the world? tehe
    March 17th, 2016 at 12:07pm
  • oh bear

    oh bear (100)

    ALL THE HEART EMOJIS GO TO YOU omg I actually wrote a wall hahahaha. SUPPOSEDLY the "use smaller plates" thing works because it tricks your brain into thinking you're eating more, but for me if it doesn't fit on my small plate without stuff falling off, it's going on the big plate. Hand

    Also dude I totally understand bc I also live off salt. lmfao I'm like the only one in my family that has to put extra salt in things because I guess I just don't taste it as much? Definitely something wrong with my taste buds. Maybe like don't cut out all the salt but like high starch, refined carbs are probably the biggest culprits of water retention. Think

    HAVE YOU HEARD OF OVERNIGHT OATS omg they are the cutest things ever bc people put them in like these lil mason jars and make them all beautiful and personally it's too much effort and I'm not a huge fan of coconut milk, but. Sorry to link you to buzzfeed but they have some gorgeous collections of pictures . Also YAAAASSS gurl Naughty Crazy Bang ALL the cute ones!

    There's a guy in my course who looks a bit like Manuel Neuer and I want to bang him Naughty
    March 16th, 2016 at 03:14pm
  • kim wonshik.

    kim wonshik. (2255)

    United States
    @ hyrule.
    Don't even apologize for being excited, haha!! To be honest, I'm a super picky eater! Shifty I love a lot of greens (like cauliflower, broccoli, string beans, asparagus (omg, speaking about asparagus, I ate almost a whole bag of it by myself yesterday because I just love when it's cooked Happy face ), etc.), but onions and mostly crunchy leaves and such, I hate them so much. I feel like I'm eating bugs or something. Facepalm I'm also super weird because I love to have guacamole, but I don't like eating just avocado. That's really weird, huh? lmfao

    Oh my gosh, it would be incredible if you could share any recipes you come across with me! I'd super appreciate it! Cry And yeah, I've heard it could be pretty cheap! My friend used to be on a vegan diet and she told me that it's less expensive than just a regular diet. This could very well save me some money for the trip, too! tehe

    @ lungsmoke
    You are such help! Hail
    Technically, it's not really what you eat, it's how much you eat.
    ^^ THAT. I totally know that because I remember reading an article about how a guy lost a lot of weight and all he ate was junk food in moderation and quantity and stuff. lmfao I remember being super excited about it! Lol

    If I'm honest, my family pretty much lives off of salt. I am a salt fiend. I'm not even kidding. I like cannot live without it even though it is so bad for me. Cry Everything just tastes so bland to me without salt. Sad AND I AM GOING TO BUY SO MUCH OATMEAL NOW THAT YOU'VE BROUGHT THAT UP. Twitch

    AND DUDE, my mother buys an over abundance of frozen fruits! Crazy So glad I have the frozen fruits thing going for me! lmfao AND OMG THANK YOU IF I BANG ONE OF THE CUTE ONES I SHALL DO IT IN YOUR HONOR. Weird

    @ nearly witches.
    To be honest, I still feel bad that you'll be stuck on a bus for 8 hours just to see me, but at the same time, I'm insanely honored and loved. Cry IF THIS HAPPENS AND WE GO TO THE HP MUSEUM, CAN WE PLEASE BATTLE CRY TOGETHER AND SEND IT TO ALEX ON SNAPCHAT. lmfao lmfao lmfao

    I shall be eagerly awaiting your findings on London men, then. Weird


    Back in high school, we had a German exchange program that my sister was a part of. So about 12 or so students came to my school and whatnot (it's cool because I'm still friends with the girl my family hosted so if it's possible, I'm going to try and see if I can meet up with her or something in Germany), but anyways... one of them was a really good looking guy. A good looking guy named Tim. Boy, was he good looking. I remember when I was in my German class, he was just kinda talking about Germany and whatnot, and I was like eyeing him up and I got out my phone and I took a fucking picture of him. lmfao AND I THINK IN ONE OF THEM HE SAW AND HE LOOKED RIGHT AT ME AND SMIRKED. I DON'T KNOW IF HE ACTUALLY DID OR NOT, BUT IT'S STILL FUNNY AND SLIGHTLY MORTIFYING TO THINK ABOUT. lmfao


    Excuse me for the shitty quality pictures, but this was before camera phone's could do HD XD

    Image Image Image
    March 16th, 2016 at 04:38am
  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    It's close enough for me to make the trip, for sure. It takes about 8 hours on a bus, but it only costs me like £30 or something like that, so it's definitely possible. I can even get a night bus down, and then the night bus back up so I don't have to book a hotel or anything. Totally should happen. tehe I've actually never been, so I would totally be up for that. Weird

    The accent is about the only thing you might find attractive. Men in the UK are pretty much sub-standard, or they are up this neck of the woods. I don't know if London's better or not, it might be. I'm going to London on the 23rd to see Simple Plan anyway so I'll let you know what my verdict is on London men then. I've never paid attention to them at any other time. lmfao Although I'd say the opposite on German men. The Germans are a damn fine looking bunch. Have you ever seen their national football (soccer?) team? Bunch of babes. I love watching the Germans play football because they're all just so beautiful. In Love
    March 13th, 2016 at 11:26am
  • oh bear

    oh bear (100)

    I'M SO SORRY I AM COMMENTING 2 DAYS AFTER YOUR BLOG POST and it's really weird and I'm sorry but I saw "Europe" and "weight loss" and I am both in Europe and currently self studying nutrition because I'm really into fitness and. I'm just going to wordvomit anyway Shifty I completely get it if you don't read this, like. It is literally a wall. I'm really sorry D:

    Losing weight! It really sucks but it's all about the calories. Abs are made in the kitchen!! If you eat less calories than you need (to maintain your current weight) you'll lose weight. Technically, it's not really what you eat, it's how much you eat. If you really don't want to do the whole number thing I'd say try and cut out starchy foods like potatoes, bread, pasta / noodles, etc. Also, sodium dense stuff, so basically use /eat less salt. That kind of stuff will retain water in your stomach for longer and for most people, once they cut this stuff out the kilos (pounds?) come flying right off due to water retention. Once you hit a solid weight that you're happy with you can slowly introduce high-carb starchy foods back into your meals — like, you don't have to cut them out completely, but at this point you can probably have them slightly more frequently.

    Also, try to eat things that fill you up more (oatmeal, which retains water but breaks down slower in your stomach, so you feel full for longer) so you eat less during the day, and eat low-carb snacks like greek yoghurt and nuts or even salads. A high fat diet (not all the time) will keep you fuller for longer and give you more energy, so definitely have some good fats like avocado, fish (also good protein source!!) and extra virgin olive oil. Apparently chia seeds and açai berries give you lots of energy too.

    Last thing that I probably should have said first is to drink more water! Drink a huge glass of water when you first wake up, and maybe start tracking how much water you're drinking. This helps to flush out all the stuff your body's retaining (downside: you will be peeing a lot more. Like, a lot more.). I think the recommended amount is between half to all of your body weight in ounces. So if you're, say, 135 lbs then try to drink 67.5 to 135 ounces of water per day.

    It's just that after the first few weeks you have to keep going because your weight will eventually plateau after a bit, and continuing is the hard part. Also, frozen stuff like vegetables and fruit are (almost) just as nutritious as fresh ones! And they're slightly cheaper. They tend to decrease in a few vitamins, but some frozen veggies / fruits can increase in vitamin C. I AM SO SO SO SORRY FOR THIS WALL OF TEXT AND WORD VOMIT I HOPE YOU BANG LOTS OF CUTIE EUROPEAN PIES <3
    March 10th, 2016 at 11:33pm
  • ocarina.

    ocarina. (100)

    United States
    @ kim wonshik.

    Oh man! I'm not even a salad fan, so I totally feel you on that! A lot of people think it's a lot of salads, but there's seriously some great food out there! Like I've been eating actually a lot more lavishly than before because I'm not just eating buttered toast and ham, but actual food haha. I've definitely recommend even just looking up some vegan recipes!

    I'm not a strict vegan, but I've definitely been eating a lot more vegan alternatives lately! It's mostly about introducing more legumes and vegetables in my diet, and cutting out diary, so it's not like a super strict thing just about getting more variety! And sometimes it can be not that expensive! For instance I tried making these vegan quesadillas the other day and the main ingredients are beans + peppers + onions, pretty inexpensive! And when I made them, it yielded a huuuge amount, like seriously I had enough quesadillas for myself that day, the next day, made lunch for my boyfriend, and gave some to my mom and my friend across the street. And had some leftovers to mix with rice! So a lot of the time, you're making meals for yourself for a couple of days! And also I'm a pretty terrible cook, so limited experience here and still doing it. c:

    Here's the recipe: http://86lemons.com/amazing-veggie-quesadillas/
    The most expensive things really are the actual tortillas and the cheese, but honestly sprinkling a little bit of regular cheese in it if that's what you have at home isn't terrible, it mostly just helps keep it all together, as long as you don't drown it aha. c: I also added avacado to mine, but that's mostly because I'm an avacado fiend and always have so much at my house. (also waaay recommend avacado toast it's amazing and healthy fats!)

    I've really been into cooking my own food lately so that's why I've been experimenting with vegan recpies. If you'd like I can share with you some more! Really there's a whoole lot out there, and a lot of them use the same ingrediants, so it might be a little costly stocking up in the beginning with like, certain sauces etc. but later on it's pretty cheap! c:

    (sorry I got excited hahaha)
    March 10th, 2016 at 07:04pm
  • kim wonshik.

    kim wonshik. (2255)

    United States
    @ nearly witches.

    I was thinking about you when I was thinking of London since it's (relativley kinda) close to Scotland, but then I was like, "Well, it's not that close." And I was conflicted 'cause I didn't want to ask you to make the trip, but I wanted to seize the opportunity. Lol lmfao So I'm glad you brought it up first. Weird We're planning on going to the Harry Potter studio museum thingy so if you have yet to go and want to go, you should come with me and my friends because I know how much you adored by Voldemort battle cry duing the writing count challenge thing. XD

    You know, I actually kinda had a feeling? tehe But either way, I'm going to die inside if some guy talks to me in that British accent.

    @ dawn of light
    I know! When I was working out, I was doing those Power Squat things and the first one, I was like, "I got this," and then by the second, I was all, "NOPENOPENOPENOPE" mrgun And I will probably use the moderation tactic too much.

    I'd be like, "I had a teaspoon of this five minutes ago. Another teaspoon is fine. It's just a teaspoon. This is in moderation." lmfao And then I would just take another and another lol I am horrible!

    @ hyrule.
    I bet! I know if I go I'm gonna die to go again soon after. tehe

    And I've definitely heard that vegan is a good route (but I honestly suck at that because I forget to say no to meats and such and then I also don't like salad and I feel like salad is almost the only thing there is to eat?). Are you vegan by any chance? I'm wondering what you could make and eat! Think And I am definitely going to the store to buy some food. Like I said, my family doesn't have much to eat besides frozen and canned and that's not exactly healthy! And thank you for the tip about eating the fattier things in the morning, it sounds like a really good idea! Cute

    @ Alex Moore.
    I hope I'll be able to go! If I do, I'm sure that I will have fun! XD
    March 10th, 2016 at 01:16am
  • Alex Moore.

    Alex Moore. (100)

    London and Berlin are awesome. I've been to both (since I am european, Dutch even). I am sure you will enjoy it so much!
    March 9th, 2016 at 06:30pm
  • ocarina.

    ocarina. (100)

    United States
    Europe is going to be ah-mazing, I've been to both London and Paris and would go again in a heartbeat! You should definitely go if you can! c:

    And well, drink lots of water. Maybe cut out dairy? That can be pretty fattening. Usually vegan alternatives are healthier if they're plant based, so I would recommend that. If you have frozen fruit, you can make smoothies! I feel like honestly you might have to go gorcery shopping since they do say like 80% of weightloss is in diet. Oh! But if you do eat fatty things, maybe limit it to the morning? That way you have more time to burn it off. And maybe don't eat after, like, 8:30pm. c:
    March 9th, 2016 at 02:15pm
  • dawn of light

    dawn of light (100)

    United States
    oh and tips hahaha. What I do is to just check out the calorie count or look at the ingredients just so I know how much I should eat and to know what I'm eating. Drink a lot of water as well! Try to limit sugary drinks and such. You could drink anything really, just in moderation Cute
    March 8th, 2016 at 10:03pm
  • dawn of light

    dawn of light (100)

    United States
    INSANITY MY GOODNESS lmfao I did this for a intro to strength class two years ago and gained so much weight control! It's great but it was hell at first. I did this for three-four months every other day on the weekdays and so I eventually got used to it. I thought the squat jumps were hell for me lmfao I love doing planks though!

    That's great you're doing this!! It'll pay off in the end Cute
    March 8th, 2016 at 09:58pm
  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)

    But seriously, British boys ain't lookers, you're going to be well disappointed with them all. Coffee In terms of weight loss though, if you drink a lot of fizzy juice (pop? idk) then apparently cutting that out works, which is what I'm about to embark on. Need to lose the pounds before Florida next June, so I have a beach bod. Coffee
    March 8th, 2016 at 09:02pm