Judging Stories Based off Appearances - Comments

  • AliMeansWings

    AliMeansWings (100)

    United States
    First of all, I'm so glad someone pointed out that original fiction doesn't get as much attention as fan fiction!

    1. I judge stories by a few things. If the summary is interesting, obviously I'm more inclined to read it. Also, if the grammar/spelling is bad, then I don't even attempt it. I chastise myself for this all the time, because there are all kinds of reasons for the grammar/spelling being bad. Maybe there's a language barrier. And definitely, bad grammar/spelling doesn't mean the story line isn't good. But I guess I'm just kind of a snob about that.

    2. An intriguing title is a definitely an attention grabber, but what's intriguing to some might not be intriguing to others. However, I guess now that I'm thinking about, I probably wouldn't even click on a story link if the title didn't grab me. So, yeah.

    3. I've never really cared about whether or not a story has a custom layout, but if I see one I really like, it definitely adds to the appeal.

    4. I used to only write fan fiction, so I read a lot of it. It was almost all band fics, a few actor/actress fics. But now that I've moved onto original, I'd like to check out more original fiction.

    5. If I read something that I like a lot, I comment. But if I don't like it and there's no way to give criticism that's constructive and nonjudgmental, then I leave it alone. Nobody needs to feel attacked over their work.

    6. I try my best to give decent feedback. "I really liked how this character..." or "I love the way you described..." or "Wow! I did not see that coming AT ALL!" Mostly because I know that getting short, impersonal comments--while flattering, nonetheless--are a little bit frustrating to keep getting over and over. Like, tell me what you thought! Please!

    7. Honesty, mostly. I mean, obviously it would suck to hear "I hated this. It's 20 minutes of my life I'll never get back." But I really want to know whether or not I'm wasting my time. Or if someone likes one thing but is confused by the narrator's personal voice or whatever. I want feedback.

    8. Definitely. The only reason I can see not thanking for comments is if I get them from that person after every chapter I post. Or if it's one of the "Update soon!" ones, I'll usually say thanks once and leave it at that. Or maybe a quick "I'm working as hard as I can."

    9. I recommend my own stories and every once in a while, if I'm frustrated or just curious, I'll write a blog about them. Because I feel like more people pay attention to blogs. I guess they know they're shorter and take less time to check out. But this one's interactive and I LOVE THAT!

    10. The whole reason I joined Mibba is still my favorite thing about it. The fact that you can interact with the people who comment. I don't have to go to their profile and send them a private message, I can just comment right back to them and tell them thanks or chat them up about their feedback. That's definitely my favorite part.

    Also, I'm really sorry this was so long. When I start on a tangent, it's hard to stop.
    April 8th, 2016 at 09:20pm
  • Join the Masquerade

    Join the Masquerade (100)

    So question time:

    1. Yeah but I think most people do. I can be really shit with this sometimes, like, if the short summary has an obvious error then I won't read it because I feel like the story will be full of them. Which probably isn't true, considering that you only look at the short summary once when making the story page and never again, so it's all too easy to make an error and not notice it.
    I also judge on the appearance if I get past thinking the title/short summary sound okay in that I won't read anything that isn't double spaced because it's just too hard on a screen for me to read like that. I really don't care what someone's layout looks like because I usually use the default one. I like things to be the same Weird

    2. Yessss but also if they don't haha. I read mostly band fic so if the title is just lyrics to a song or the title of a song I'm a-okay with that. But I don't really go for stories that have titles that sound like stories, if you get me...

    3. Nope. As above.

    4. Fan fiction. I'm always a bit skeptical when someone writes that you can read their fan fic as an original (I've written this before too but ya know XD) because I feel like, if it's a good fan fic, there's something in the characters that has to come from the actual people/show/movie/etc. that only the fans of it would pick up on, you know? I feel like I'd be missing all these amazing hidden things.

    5. I do, on everything I read and enjoy. Problem is that I don't read as much anymore and I'm subscribed to a million things I used to read so it probably looks like I've become a silent reader and don't care about the story anymore but I do! I just haven't got around to catching up on it yet/aren't interested in that fandom at the time being.

    6. I try to comment on the characters and story more than anything but I'll also bring up any errors I picked up on as I read because I like people to comment on those in my own stories so I can correct them.

    7. I'll take anything I can get haha. I don't mind those "OMG update soon!!!" comments because they still show passion. Like that person cares enough to comment as opposed to quickly hitting the sub button, so that's cool. A couple days ago someone said that my Gerard character and my OFC were their number one OTP at the moment, and that was pretty special, too.

    8. I try to as much as possible but sometimes I read it on my phone and forget to reply later on.

    9. I do sometimes in the A/N of other stories I'm writing to let readers know I have a new thing going on. I'll also throw links into my blogs sometimes, and the stars in my signature are little links, too.

    10. Hrmm... probably just the passion the authors have for them. Like people really care about their stories and their characters here. There's no one writing to get more subscribers to their profile or whatever. No faking it here. I like that.
    March 19th, 2016 at 02:59am
  • Alex Moore.

    Alex Moore. (100)

    1. I think it an evolutionary response to judge. Should we listen to instinct? Maybe not always, but the initial response? Yeah I judge.
    2. Yes again. A title should make you wonder. They should not be too long or too obvious.
    3. Custom layout, or just anything other than the default is better I feel. With a layout you can already give the story some different vibe.
    4. Original. Same reasons you have.
    5. I try to comment as much as I can.
    6. I try to go as much in depth as I can. But I will add a layout feedback
    7. I like invested readers who really live with the characters
    8. I always react on my commenters of course!
    March 18th, 2016 at 05:07pm
  • requiem.

    requiem. (205)

    United States
    1. Yes. A story with the default layout is normally a turn off for me. Also bright colored text or a crazy background that makes the story hard to read.
    2. Titles don't matter to me unless it's something like OMG I Went to a One Direction Concert and Became Harry Styles' GF
    3. I like custom layouts.
    4. Fanfiction all the way.

    5. I do, sometimes. Very rare.
    6. It depends on the chapter. If I have a lot of thoughts/reactions on a chapter, it'll be in depth. Otherwise it's just a comment to encourage the author.
    7. I like when readers predict what's going to happen next.
    8. YES
    March 18th, 2016 at 02:45am
  • hangsang.

    hangsang. (210)

    1. Yes. I know I probably shouldn't, but I do. If there's a custom layout or a hard to read layout (like white text on a black background), then I refuse to read it.
    2. The titles don't really bother me, honestly. I read the story based on the summary. A good title is just a bonus, I guess.
    3. YesFacepalm
    4. Either, though I refuse to read One Direction or Avenged Sevenfold fan fiction. It's not my cup of tea and most of them are cliche and boring.

    5. I always try to!
    6. If I'm reading a chaptered drabble story and I'm not completely caught up, I'll leave short comments, but if I'm reading a chaptered story, I always try to leave comments with substance.
    7. Constructive criticism, but I also want to know what I'm doing right. I hate comments that just focus on the negative aspects of a story.
    8. I try to!

    9. I used to, but nobody reads my stories, so I've given up, lmao.
    10. Layouts, probably. Most of the stories on here focus on the same things (not all, just most).
    March 18th, 2016 at 01:12am
  • pocahontas.

    pocahontas. (565)

    United States
    1. Honestly, sometimes. If the layout is hard to read it really turns me off. But I read on mobile a lot now so eh.
    2. Titles with numbers or words that flow well interest me, but I'll click on just about any title!
    3. Not really - unless it's custom in neon colors with text you can't read. See #1 lmfao
    4. Both! If a story looks really good, I'll disregard the fandom. I love fanfic, and I love original.

    5. Hells yes
    6. Sometimes simple, but often I'll go full in with chapter by chapter critique and pointing out mistakes
    7. Someone who appreciates what I've written (and tells me, obviously, no one wants to hear about pure flaws) but will tell me what could use work and how they feel about my work
    8. Generally! Sometimes I get busy and forget, but I'll usually go back forever after and be like oh hey

    9. Blog and recommending haha I'm terrible about the latter
    10. How the layouts can be really expressive and how many people add soundtracks
    March 17th, 2016 at 11:30pm
  • hiwagang hapis

    hiwagang hapis (1550)

    1. Do you judge stories before reading them?
    Sometimes but usually, I don't even know because I'm on the mobile site so much. But when I do notice it's pretty good (the layout), I read the first chapter then whoosh I am away.

    2. Are you more interested in stories if they've got an intriguing title? (What makes titles intriguing to you?)
    I think that is subjective. I'm only inclined to them if they're done right.

    3. Does it matter if the story has a custom layout or not?

    4. Original fiction or fanfiction?
    Original fiction when I write but most of the time, fanfiction when I read lol

    In a different direction - commenting.

    5. Do you comment?
    Not really. Bad experiences.

    6. How do you comment (In-depth, simple "I like it"/"Update soon!", as you go along...)?
    In-depth, always, any days - just kidding. Like 99% it's usually an in-depth one.

    7. What do you want from a comment?
    What I did wrong, what I did good, what I should do.

    8. Do you thank people for commenting?
    Sometimes no but when the comment's really rude, I try to be nice about it and thank them.

    I really am quite interested in seeing what your answers are.

    Bonus questions:
    9. Do you promote your stories? (blog, forum, recommending...)
    Yeahh. I don't usually do it cause I write for myself. Don't really care if people don't read it but once in a while, I do. Sometimes people have to know I'm alive, you know? It's my way of saying "I'm sorry for disappearing lololol"

    10. Favorite thing about stories on Mibba?
    It's diverse. You wouldn't believe half the things I find on the story section lmfao
    March 17th, 2016 at 10:44pm
  • kaul hilo

    kaul hilo (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United Kingdom
    1. Do you judge stories before reading them?
    Admittedly, yes. I tend to judge the layout and the summary. I've been trying to get out of the habit of judging the layout, so it's mostly weighted on the summary. However, I don't mind delving into the first chapter before deciding.

    2. Are you more interested in stories if they've got an intriguing title? (What makes titles intriguing to you?)
    Some titles just draw me in, particularly shorter ones, or longer ones that sound interesting. I'm not even sure what makes titles intriguing to me in the first place, there's just something about certain titles that tend to interest me more than others.

    3. Does it matter if the story has a custom layout or not?
    On a grand scale, no. Custom layout is just a nice bonus. I won't let it be the decider.

    4. Original fiction or fanfiction?
    Original, since I'm really into fandoms largely (especially the popular ones here). I don't mind reading fanfiction here and there, but overall I exclusively read original. And I agree with you, I just don't feel like reading a fanfiction as original, it just feels like it'd be more engaging if I was into the fandom.

    5. Do you comment?
    Sometimes, but not as often as I'd like to. I do plan to comment on all the LaC TaC stories around this weekend though.

    6. How do you comment (In-depth, simple "I like it"/"Update soon!", as you go along...)?
    My comments tend to be in-depth, and I comment along with the story. I mean personally, I want to give a sufficient comment to someone instead of leaving an 'I like it'. I don't know.

    7. What do you want from a comment?
    Anything, really. Comments are a bonus for me in writing. I don't mind if it's someone just saying they enjoyed the story, or con crit, I just get giddy receiving any kind of comment.

    8. Do you thank people for commenting?
    In every author's note! I mean, I really am grateful for all the comments I get, so I'd like to let people know (and it saves me the hassle of having to go to all those profiles when Mibba is slow enough as it is).

    9. Do you promote your stories? (blog, forum, recommending...)
    Sometimes I say I've updated in the blog and I recommend or re-recommend my stories with the updates. Otherwise, I don't really promote them.

    10. Favorite thing about stories on Mibba?
    The creativity, the originality, the diversity. I have sound some true gems on this website (I came back after a two hiatus to... mainly check up on stories I had left behind).
    March 17th, 2016 at 06:03pm
  • wish on a firefly

    wish on a firefly (885)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States
    1. Do you judge stories before reading them?
    NOt always. I judge the stories by their summaries more than their layouts and their titles.

    2. Are you more interested in stories if they've got an intriguing title? (What makes titles intriguing to you?)
    Sort of. TItles that are one or two words usually intrigue me.

    3. Does it matter if the story has a custom layout or not?
    Not really. I've read plenty of stories that didn't have a layout.

    4. Original or fan-fiction?
    Mostly fanficiton but i do read some good originals.

    5. Do you comment?
    I try to. It's kinda hard for me to comment without coming off seeming like I didn't read the story at all. >_<

    6. How do you comment (In-depth, simple "I like it"/"Update soon!", as you go along...)?
    I try offering some tips on how to improve and i often say what I like about the story if the story has long chapters but if the chapters are short, like as in drabble ish or 500 words or less, then I'll tell mostl likely wait until there's a few chapters before saying anything but as for one shots, i'll definitely speak my mind and be honest about it.

    7. What do you want from a comment?
    Tips on how I can improve my writing and some concrit... basically someone to test me and force me to push my writing skills even further.

    8. Do you thank people for commenting?
    I try to be. I sometimes forget to thank people individually but i do thank everyone in my author notes.

    9. Do you promote your stories?
    I do but not a lot.I just link my stories in ablog when i update them or mention them but only one time.

    10. Favourite thing about stories on Mibba?
    I like the layout making system and the character pages (but i still think the character pages can be revamped a little bit).
    March 17th, 2016 at 04:20pm
  • Unown

    Unown (190)

    United Kingdom
    1. Do you judge stories before reading them? Yes, I need to feel drawn to the story's plot to take a solid interest in reading it.
    2. Are you more interested in stories if they've got an intriguing title? (What makes titles intriguing to you?)
    Yes - particularly if they're very unique, such as a series of numbers or words mixed with numbers etc.
    3. Does it matter if the story has a custom layout or not?
    Sometimes. I have read some brilliant stories without a custom layout, and I really don't mind the set layout. It's simple and easy to read - sometimes I would prefer it to a custom layout (if it's hard to read).
    4. Original or fan-fiction?
    A mix, but I'm only drawn to fan-fiction that I can relate to. I'm not a huge fan of Harry Potter but I know the characters and general plot, so I have enjoyed reading some good HP FF on here.
    5. Do you comment?
    Nine times out of ten, yes. Sometimes I'll read up to first or second chapter of the story and just decide it's not for me though; in this case I wouldn't leave a comment.
    6. How do you comment (In-depth, simple "I like it"/"Update soon!", as you go along...)?
    I personally believe that I have a duty to give a detailed comment if I've taken the time to read their work - I treat it like a favour in return for a free story to read. As I've mentioned before though, if I don't like the story then I'll usually leave without commenting, which means that in the way of CC I don't often provide much of that. I prefer to state what I noticed and particularly liked about the story and its layout.
    7. What do you want from a comment?
    I am quite sensitive when it comes to criticism, but I've had some brilliant CC in the past and really appreciated it. Sometimes it takes the eyes of another to recognise a mistake or suggest an improvement. Then I'll read my story over and consider their points, and attempt to make necessary changes if I agree with them. It's all about learning and helping each other at the end of the day.
    8. Do you thank people for commenting? Yes, people say that us Brits are overly polite, and I guess I was raised as a prime example of that.
    9. Do you promote your stories? No. If I ask for something then I generally need to be prepared to give something in return, and uni and work have left me quite busy lately so I don't really do much in the way of comment swaps these days.
    I think comment swaps are a fantastic way to give and receive though.
    10. Favourite thing about stories on Mibba? I like the range of layouts, the collaboration between users and the pure genius minds and imaginations of many authors here. People take their work very seriously here and I think that's something to be proud of.
    March 17th, 2016 at 03:51pm
  • nautical.

    nautical. (100)

    United States
    1. Do you judge stories before reading them? A little bit. More on the summary than the layout, but that's still judging before reading, so. Embarassed
    2. Are you more interested in stories if they've got an intriguing title? (What makes titles intriguing to you?) For some reason, I always seem to click things with names of people/places as the title.
    3. Does it matter if the story has a custom layout or not? I'd still read one without a custom but I think a custom one makes me a little more excited about it.
    4. Original or fanfiction? Original usually, but it depends on the fandom.
    5. Do you comment? If I really like it or if I have a lot of time.
    6. How do you comment (In-depth, simple "I like it"/"Update soon!", as you go along...)? Usually saying I like it and maybe mentioning a thing I especially like about it.
    7. What do you want from a comment? I'll take any comment.
    8. Do you thank people for commenting? It depends how busy I am and everything if I go on their pages individually, but I'll thank them in the authors note of the next update.
    March 17th, 2016 at 03:17pm
  • saegusa.

    saegusa. (105)

    United States
    1. Do you judge stories before reading them? A little, but not really much on the layout because I know the layout maker just looks ass-backwards to some people. lmfao So it's more the summary that does it for me.
    2. Are you more interested in stories if they've got an intriguing title? I do like a unique title, but it doesn't make me more interested. It just seems more like a nice bonus.
    3. Does it matter if the story has a custom layout or not? Not really, but it never hurts, in my opinion. Cute
    4. Original fiction or fanfiction? I read and adore both. tehe [this was so long and jumbled i didn't feel right if i didn't correct it, y'know?]
    5. Do you comment? Whenever I can! However, since I don't often have much time, my commenting has become limited. Sad
    6. How do you comment? I try to comment both in-depth and as I go (or, if I've read it previously, pick out the parts I really liked). And if it's a story I really like, I'll come back and comment each time it's updated when I've got the time! Cute
    7. What do you want from a comment? I'd like to know how I'm doing, get any helpful tips, hear if what's happening is even the slightest bit interesting, and especially anything about characters. Even though I write fanfiction, I spend soooo much time on molding my characters and I just wanna know if they're alright or suck and need a bit of tweaking. tehe
    8. Do you thank people for commenting? Absolutely! I usually don't go their profiles, though, because I can forget so easily to do that. Facepalm So I rectify that by thanking everyone in the A/N of the newest update or responding there if it's a oneshot.
    9. Do you promote your stories? I'm way too reserved to do it. I don't even have the heart to rec my own stories. Too scared. lmfao The most I'll do is a comment swap, because I'm giving back to someone in the process.
    10. Favorite thing about stories on Mibba? Ahhhh, all this diversity. In Love There's so many different things that are written about and so many amazing writers here to make so many unique characters come to life. Love it all. In Love
    March 17th, 2016 at 12:42pm
  • losing control.

    losing control. (4250)

    Board Moderator
    1. I do, based on the layout, title, and summary. Generally I'll read them no matter what but I already have an idea of what to expect based on those things.

    2. Sort of. If it has a super long title or something that doesn't make sense I sometimes won't click on it, but it depends. I like short and sweet titles.

    3. It does, I really don't like the default layout.

    4. Original!

    5. I try to! Usually when I read a story I'll try and comment something, but a lot of the time I'm reading for comment swaps and stuff so I'm there for the comment, ya know?

    6. I open a Word document and as I go along I type out little notes and then formulate them into a comment after I'm done reading.

    7. I looove when I get con crit, it just makes me feel like people care enough to try and help me improve. And the simple comments just letting you know that someone likes something are nice too.

    8. I try to! Sometimes I'll forget though Sad

    9. Sometimes I'll add the fact that I updated into a blog and I like doing comment swaps. I always feel kinda weird doing free reads because I like to give something back to people who read my stuff tehe I also recc my own stories all the time lmfao

    10. The diversity in all the stories. You can literally find stories about anything you want and it's so great.
    March 17th, 2016 at 07:38am
  • squidward tentacles.

    squidward tentacles. (255)

    United States
    1. Honestly, I do a little bit. If the layout has like super bright font or font that's almost the same shade as the background it immediately turns me off because it's hard to read.
    2. I'm not sure what exactly makes a title interesting to me. Just some of them draw me in and others don't. It's difficult to pinpoint exactly what it is.
    3. I do prefer a custom layout to be honest. The default one is just so blah looking. Not to say I won't read a story in the default layout.
    4. I'm all about original fiction. I'll read some fan fiction but I'm very particular about it.
    5. I admit I'm a terrible silent reader. I comment so rarely on anything. But I have started doing TaC LaC so there's that.
    6. Usually my comments are fairly short. I tend to comment on stories that I really like and am blown away by, so when I find one like that I tend to just leave a very enthusiastic comment letting the author know I loved their style/plot.
    7. I like concrit, but also seeing comments that show the reader is very invested in my character(s). Like that they're legitimately concerned for them and almost talking about them like a friend. It makes me feel like I'm really bringing some depth and emotion to the story, which is always my goal.
    8. I try to. Sometimes I forget Sad but if I get a particularly nice comment I always do my best to thank the person.
    9. I pimp my work in blogs sometimes.
    10. Finding unique stories and just having a place to share my writing and get feedback on it.
    March 17th, 2016 at 07:37am
  • dawn of light

    dawn of light (100)

    United States
    I love how active you are with the commenting tehe

    1. Sadly, I do Grr the layout and/or summary catches my attention first (I need to change that!!!)

    2. Yes and no. It doesn't really matter for me mainly because I usually click on stories based on the genre lmfao The main character's name as a title is sooooo interesting to me if it's the title.

    3. Sadly, it does matter for me. But I can't read anything but black text on white background.

    4. Original fiction!

    5. I try to comment on my subscription list and whenever there's an update. Lately, I've been commenting on the LaC, TaC 2.0 thread and the R&R Book Club!

    6. If I am commenting on a longer story, it'll usually be long. But if it's a short story or a chapter comment, I'll try to make it indept as possible, if that makes sense. For my giveaway comments, I do try to make it indept.

    7. I want honest feedback and just something that would help me with my writing. Heck, even simple comments makes me happy heh.

    8. I do thank people for commenting because I seriously appreciate it Cute

    9. I AM SO SHY WHEN IT COMES TO SELF PROMOTION LOL. if I do self promote my stories, it would be in blogs tehe

    10. My favorite thing is constantly having something new to read on here Wow
    March 17th, 2016 at 06:31am
  • sabrina's auticorn;

    sabrina's auticorn; (100)

    United States
    1. Do you judge stories before reading them? I try not to. My problem is not with the story itself, but with me and my narrow interest barrier.
    2. Are you more interested in stories if they've got an intriguing title? Not really. I'm not all that worried about titles, especially considering mine suck.
    3. Does it matter if the story has a custom layout or not? I like if they have a good layout, but I'm not going to say that the story is bad without one either. (basically like you said)
    4. Original fiction or fanfiction? Original

    In a different direction - commenting.

    5. Do you comment? Not really. I have a hard time knowing what to say.
    6. How do you comment (In-depth, simple "I like it"/"Update soon!", as you go along...)? If I do, it's usually just that I like the story. I don't go into a whole lot of details and such.
    7. What do you want from a comment? I like being praised for what I've done. It makes me feel more confident that I've written something people enjoy for once.
    8. Do you thank people for commenting? Sometimes. Other times, I try to explain things to them if they talk about the story and such.
    March 17th, 2016 at 05:37am
  • elsa of northuldra

    elsa of northuldra (550)

    United States
    1. Yes, which is horrible but I do. If the layout isn't easy to read and the summary is lack-luster I'm the first person to click away.
    2. Of course the title plays a big roll. I prefer short titles, no more than four words usually. Long titles are just... eh.
    3. Yes
    4. Original fiction
    5. Not as much as I should.
    6. I always give critic. Unless its a story I've been reading awhile and its like my fifth comment. Then I'm like "Woooo!!11!! I lyk dis updat soon!!!1!!1"
    7. I was a critic more than a comment. I want someone to tell me what I fucked up and how I can fix it.
    8. Sometimes.
    9. Not particularly. I usually just mention them in my blog during my ramblings.
    10. The authors. I like being able to speak to the person who wrote the story and get the deets. I want to be able to ask my questions and get direct answers. I like to get to know the author versus what the author projects of themselves.
    March 17th, 2016 at 05:25am
  • gipsy danger.

    gipsy danger. (100)

    United States
    Oh! I love answering questions!

    1. I definitely judge a story before reading it. I have an art degree so I love seeing really nice layouts that have colors that work well together. I also have horrible eyes so bright things make it painful to read. But I always give every story a chance by reading the summary and at least the first chapter. If it doesn't work for me then I stop reading.

    2. I love one word titles. I think those are my favorite. They can give away so much or very little. But I also love titles that are parts of quotes or flow very well. I just like all types of titles. Though sometimes I'll read a title and thing "really?" which does make me feel bad.

    3. Nah, not really. Though after a while the white tends to hurt my eyes so I have to take breaks.

    4. I tend to read both. I've moved into more original fic but my heart is still stuck in certain fandoms when it comes to reading. But it's a select few fandoms and I'm a little wary of journeying out to reading others because I don't know certain fandoms well.

    5. I try to comment on everything I read when I have time.

    6. If I have time I like to leave more in-depth comments, and also if I really love a story I will do that. But sometimes I'll just comment with "I loved this chapter, can't wait for an update!" I love commenting after someone updates each chapter because I love letting people know that I enjoy their work.

    7. I honestly don't mind the type of comments I get. Usually they're from my friends screaming at me like "YAAAAS GIRL! I loved the update." Though I would love some in-depth comments every once an a while, maybe something constructive. I also would love comments where people ask questions.

    8. I try to thank them, yes! Either I go to their page and thank them personally or I shout out at them in my next update.

    9. I don't. I think I'm too anxious for that. It sounds silly when I say it though Laughing

    10. All the different ideas that people have! It's amazing what people think of! It's amazing! The way people write really gets me too. I love stories with long chapters that get so detailed and beautiful. I also love chapters that have, maybe, five sentences that can capture me just as much as long chapters do.
    March 17th, 2016 at 04:35am
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    1. I do. I don't care whether it has a custom layout or not, that's not something I'll judge based on, but more of the summary or the title. If it has a custom layout, I'll judge it based on what it looks like. If it has a short description, I'll judge it based on that. But most of all, I judge it based on the opening of the first chapter.

    2. I guess it depends. I'll check out something called Bleeding Heart, even though it's really cliché, but I'll also check out something that isn't necessarily in English. But sometimes the title is a dead turn off for me.

    3. Nope. Like I said above, I don't mind. Sometimes I even default a story's layout even when they have a nice custom one.

    4. I read a lot of original fiction but I do like some of the old, cliche fanfiction that were around about four years ago. I do still occasionally read fanfiction, only if it gains my interest. I just don't read Harry Potter fanfiction, mostly because it seems as if every story I've clicked on involves a Slytherin girl who is friends with Harry, despite their hatred for the Houses, and is super important during everything that happened to him. Or a Gryffindor girl who they place between Fred and George as another prankster, but is also friends with some Slytherin and is once again detrimental to the war. I'm just not interested in having this special snowflake girl annoyingly discover and do everything.

    5. Occasionally. I mainly review stories I really like.

    6. When I comment, I definitely try and go really in-depth. If it's a story I'm commenting every chapter on, then I do the casual "Omg how could Casey do that???" comments.

    7. Comments really intimidate me. lmfao But I guess I just want to know where I've gone wrong, and whether or not someone's interpreted something the right way. I hate when I haven't done it correctly and people interpret it incorrectly.

    8. I used to, after each comment. Then I discovered that some people actually found it annoying (mainly through reading someone else's discussion) and I stopped. I've been thinking about starting thanking people again, though.

    9. I don't. I don't like the recommendation system, I haven't since we got it, and I don't really blog. I also don't actively promote my stuff because I'm fine if people don't read them.

    10. The diversity of writing types. And even if there's five stories with pretty much the same plot, they'll all be different in their own way. I like that.
    March 17th, 2016 at 04:16am