Is It Weird? - Comments

  • @ swell
    I honestly dont think they are even on this website anymore! hahah. But yeah it was just like "Oh I guess thats not allowed on here?" So I deleted it but that was many moons ago. Almost three years ago? I might bring it back up....who knows.

    No, no it didn't sound like an attack at all! I agree, I hate when people demand comments and say they won't write. I've actually stopped reading someone story because of that. I mean I understand the fact of writing and putting your all into a story and no one commenting it's very disheartening also very new age of the internet. I do understand the wanting of comments but the demanding of it seems very belittling. So I get you on that.
    March 22nd, 2016 at 05:38am
  • Who's trashed you for being too sexual? That's silly. You should be able to write what you want - if people don't like what you've written, they can read another story.

    I totally get you on thinking that if people aren't reading my stories, the incentive to update is lower but then it could just be about timing or where my story's at (ie if I'm starting my story out it's probs gonna be boring than writing the middle) In reference to your blog I 100% understand where you're getting at. As long as you're (general you, not aimed at you specifically) not like, 'I won't update until I get x amount of comments' that's where I get annoyed, purely because that's silly and it comes across like you're entitled to comments (which I think people in general forget when it comes to writing, I know I definitely used to think this in the past!). But I think my annoyance is justified XD

    I hope that made sense. And didn't come off as an attack Facepalm My apologies if this came off rude, that was not my intention.
    March 22nd, 2016 at 04:53am