We Are Losing Values - Comments

  • True. at last faking it shows they're trying to some degree. xD But still, people should learn some manners. Me, my mom, and little bro went to the supermarket this morning and we encountered some people who were less than polite about trying to squeeze between us and the shelves behind them... Facepalm
    April 18th, 2016 at 03:33am
  • @ Michael Westen
    Yes, that's precisely how I feel. I mean, okay, I know not everyone is completely prim and proper but at least have that basic courtesy. It really doesn't hurt in the slightest.
    April 18th, 2016 at 03:04am
  • Hail I grew up with the same values and when people lack these simple manors it boggles my mind.
    April 17th, 2016 at 11:23pm
  • @ Brave Mouse Hina
    Ah, yes, I know what you meant. ShiftyI hate that. Like we can tell that they just fake the sweet smiling face and say the 'I'm sorry' all fake-like and whatnot. Coffee But then again, better than nothing, you know.
    April 17th, 2016 at 05:43pm
  • Let's not forget the tone you (universally/in general) say it too because sometimes when those rude people actually say sorry, please or any of the other magic words, they dont really mean them. it may not look it but you can tell when they dont mean it. >_<
    April 17th, 2016 at 05:35pm
  • @ M a d e l i n e
    I think the main problem here is that the kids are getting really spoiled. Like for example, when I tried to tell my cousin's children to behave when they were being unnecessarily loud or were being disrespectful to the elders, I ended up being scolded back. Facepalm Their excuse being "they're just kids, they don't know better." Well then, isn't it our job to educate them then?

    The other day, my future brother-in-law came over for dinner. Before he left, he went to my youngest brother to shake hands and say goodbye. But my brother was too immersed in the game on his phone, he totally ignored the poor man. Like, I could see the change in the man's expression. It was disrespectful to ignore someone holding out his hand to you!

    Needless to say, I confiscated my brother's phone after that to teach him a lesson. Weird

    It's good that you're instilling these values to your son since he's young. It'll be too late trying to have a complete attitude make over when the kid is all grown up.
    April 17th, 2016 at 08:37am
  • Oh Lina I love you for this blog and I feel you.
    My mother and I just had a conversation about this today actually. This generation is just so ungrateful and disrespectful.
    My mom was concerned with me raising my son in that, "Oh he needs to be super smart so lets take away his childhood thing," and I had to explain to her that I'd rather he be stupid and respectful to his elders versus smart and ungrateful.
    She saw my reasoning.

    Like I've seen it before in teens and such, my cousins for example. Oh my lord. But thats a whole different story, I could go on and on for days...
    April 17th, 2016 at 07:07am