When Senior Thesis and Marvel Collide - Comments

  • @ frank castle.
    Nice! Thanks xD
    April 21st, 2016 at 01:09am
  • @ bruce wayne;
    I'll message you and share all the Bucky things later tehe
    April 20th, 2016 at 08:00pm
  • Girl, I feel ya. Actually I think you helped me love Bucky Barnes even more. I'm not all that familiar with Marvel except for Cap even then I still don't know too much about him or Bucky. Some just talk away I wanna know everything haha. :)
    April 20th, 2016 at 04:40am
  • @ Audrey T
    Girl, don't even get me started on Frank Castle. He is my most problematic fav and I love him for it. Netflix did a freaking amazing job with him as a character. The second he showed up on my screen, I was kind of like, "Shit, he's gonna be the one giving me all the feels, isn't he?" And he was. At the same time though, like you said, it was hard to decipher whether or not rooting for him was the right thing to do. In the end, I loved him, murdering ways and all.

    EXACTLY! I get that Tony's gonna have some major beef with Bucky for killing his parents, but HE WASN'T IN CONTROL. HE WAS BRAINWASHED. BRAINWASHED. He thought that was doing the right thing. I've had this argument with my friend so many times, she's Team Iron Man and I'm, of course, Team Cap, and she's totally behind Tony and I'm just like, "Ughhh!!! No." Tony definitely is being a garbage friend, and sure he has his reasons, but Steve has his reasons for backing his damn best friend.
    April 20th, 2016 at 04:23am
  • You didn't mention Frank Castle at all, but here I go anyway with my Marvel feels.

    The thing I love about Frank Castle's portrayal in Netflix's Marvel's Daredevil is that he makes your head and your emotions spin and at the end of every episode he's in (nearly every scene he's in), you're left wondering, "Should I be rooting for this guy?" One minute he's giving you all the reasons to love him (and all the reasons to justify his killing sprees) and the next you're just sitting there like "Damn, Frank. Chill." And you're constantly waffling back and forth between "I understand and sympathize with him and I just want good things for this precious man" and "Oh my god, this guy is a freaking lunatic."

    And since you did mention Bucky...

    I'm so angry with Tony Stark for not understanding why Steve has to fight the world right now. The world wants to punish (imprison and possibly kill?) Bucky Barnes for all the crimes he committed while 'being' the Winter Soldier and why doesn't Tony understand that that's wrong? Like, how can Tony expect Steve to sit back and let this shitty world judge an (EXTREMELY LONG TERM) POW? Why can't he understand Steve's lack of faith in the justice system? I will personally fight Tony Stark for being a garbage friend.
    April 20th, 2016 at 03:14am
  • @ pocahontas.
    He's like my favorite person on the planet In Love My goal in life is to meet him, like everything will be complete if I do. I think I might, but I still have a lot of fleshing out to do since I only have the basic plots for both...maybe I'll wait until the semester's finished so I have more time but at the same time I'm super impatient and want to start them now Shifty
    April 19th, 2016 at 10:55pm
  • UGH yes. Honestly Sebastian Stan in anything is everything In Love TOTALLY make stories simply because even if you don't finish right away, you'll always have that plot and it'll be something we can all get Bucky feels over~
    April 19th, 2016 at 10:51pm
  • @ pocahontas.
    He's seriously my favorite, and the way Sebastian Stan portrays him in the films is just Swoon
    And now I have two plots out of nowhere and just all the Bucky feels. ALL OF THEM
    April 19th, 2016 at 10:44pm
  • YES I freaking love Bucky like omg you are my HERO
    April 19th, 2016 at 10:38pm