It Has Been so Long! Hey Again Mibba! - Comments

  • Hey what's up hello! I remember seeing your username around a while back! It seems like quite a few people are coming back to Mibba and that's so fantastic tehe

    I've only recently come back as well and I definitely feel you on the lost drive on writing, but fingers crossed we can both get back into it OMGYES
    June 9th, 2016 at 08:11am
  • Omg hey!! Welcome back! Wow
    I'm still around, and a few mibbians are too. Unfortunately a majority of the old users have left, so you'll see some of them haven't updated or posted anything for years. Even Dujo, Sad but yeah, some of us are still here and trying to keep Mibba as active as possible. Ha.

    June 9th, 2016 at 07:57am