Ink [?] - Comments

  • @ SmilingScarlet
    I've been listening to her for awhile, yeah. She's great. I love Fantasy especially.

    @ Hannahdoll
    I've heard it's like getting scratched by a cat multiple times?? But that's good to know. I guess it depends on the person.
    June 22nd, 2016 at 06:34am
  • It doesn't hurt that bad. My first tattoo was on my ankle. :)
    I even have one on my hip and that one tickled more than it hurt.
    June 22nd, 2016 at 02:55am
  • Alina Baraz is the new "chill wave" music that's been becoming pretty popular. Oh my god, you'll love her. My favorites from her are "Can I", "Fantasy", and "Drift". She is amazing.

    Also, I really like the nature ones. I think they'd be pretty suiting on you. Also D: to all the noise and stuff. Also I'm dying because of your new blog layout, and the shark riding spaceman lmfao
    June 21st, 2016 at 11:37pm
  • @ Sassenach
    No, thank you for rambling! That was a lot of good information. Thank you!
    June 21st, 2016 at 10:12pm
  • As far as pain goes , I mean it's gonna hurt anywhere . I got one on my ribs (hurt like hell)and I didn't remember it hurting as bad as the small one I got on my wrist . There's going to be pain , it just varies from person to person.

    I have five tattoos, one on each ankle, one rib,one shoulder blade and one wrist. The ones on my ankles are pretty big and those actually hurt I wouldn't say mildly but not like unbearable . My shoulder was a piece of cake . My ribs, as expected hurt really bad but I actually passed out in the chair from my wrist tattoo, but that had to do with anxiety and seeing blood .

    I love tattoos I already have more planned . Once you get them you want more and more . Kind of like my stretched ears , I had planned on stopping at a certain point and now I'm about to go up to 1/2.

    Anyway, just be sure to follow all the after care instructions and the pain, if anything it shouldn't last longer than after the tattoo is done and maybe like a day after .But everyone is different .

    I'm sorry I rambled. I love talking about body art.
    June 21st, 2016 at 08:09pm