Graduation + Nose Piercing? - Comments

  • gipav23643

    gipav23643 (100)

    Graduation is a momentous occasion marking the culmination of years of hard work and dedication. It signifies the transition from one chapter of life to another, filled with new opportunities and challenges. If any issues arise with orders, etsy customer support is readily available to assist, ensuring that every graduate receives their special keepsake in time for their celebration. As graduates prepare for this significant milestone, they often seek unique and personalized gifts to commemorate the event. Online marketplaces like Etsy offer a wide array of handcrafted and custom items perfect for graduation gifts.
    June 12th, 2024 at 01:43pm
  • raja sahara

    raja sahara (100)

    United States
    1. I work in an office too and the attire is business casual/smart casual so so far no one has said anything at all about my nose piercing (though it is a stud, not sure how well a ring will be received even tho I like wearing those more)

    2. Nothing lmao. I mean sometimes if you blow your nose and you have an L-shape stud, the end might move and stick out of your nose, but that's about it.

    3. I bought this thing from the piercer, idek what it was but it was some type of medicine that you put on your piercing for a few weeks? I don't remember, it's been awhile lmfao
    June 22nd, 2016 at 02:49am
  • saeglopur

    saeglopur (350)

    United States
    1. I work in the medical unit at my state's sports arena and I work at my college's gym and as an ice cream server at a local business in town and all three of these jobs have no problem with my nose piercing/have not even addressed it.

    2. Honestly, I don't even notice it. And I've had my piercing for a year as of June. I have allergies and am constantly blowing my nose, and its not a problem. And I use nasal spray and it doesn't irritate it or anything.

    3. My piercer gave me a bag of salt and I mixed that with warm water (not tap) and soaked a cotton ball in it and then put it on the outside and inside, for maybe a month. I wore makeup while it was healing too and I just cleaned around it after the application so there wasn't any makeup on the hole.

    The only problem I faced really with the piercing was switching to a ring that was too small when it was still relatively new. That irritated it. Also fake jewelry didn't help. But I didn't put a new post or hoop in the hole until about six months after getting it.
    June 21st, 2016 at 10:33pm