Someone Stole My Story Rant - Comments

  • PoeticMess.

    PoeticMess. (150)

    United States
    Yeah, someone said that to me too. I think it was my mom the first time my story was stolen on Mibba. I don't take it that way at all. If you think my story's good, tell me, comment, recommend, etc. There are dozens of other ways to appreciate someone's work.

    I messaged the girl and the readers to let them know. I reported it, but I can't remember if I heard back. I'm fairly certain the "author" took it down, but the whole time she was claiming that she hadn't plagiarized it. Although it was word for word, so how she thought I'd believe her is beyond me.

    I really don't like Wattpad. It's super popular, but the writing doesn't seem as good as what Mibbians put out. It's really crowded, so there's a lot of beginning authors. Which doesn't mean they're bad, but a lot of the stories I see are filled with cliches. I'm sure there's good stuff over there, I even tried to post there for awhile, but I just can't get into it. Especially since there's so much plagiarism and so little regulation. At least on Mibba you can talk to a real person when your stuff is stolen.
    June 26th, 2016 at 10:34am
  • Indigo Umbrella

    Indigo Umbrella (215)

    United States
    It's awful when this happens! I totally understand! I've never had an issue with anyone on Wattpad taking my stuff. But I've had issues with users on Quotev taking my stuff (that was a Bucky Barnes fic too) and even here on Mibba (though they changed the names). Each and every time this has happened another Mibbian found it for me. They're also really great at backing you up and getting that story taken down. And Sesshomaru. is right. It's not flattering at all. It hurts. Especially when you see all the love and compliments people have been giving your work but to someone else.
    June 26th, 2016 at 05:21am
  • elsa of northuldra

    elsa of northuldra (550)

    United States
    I feel you on this. Someone stole my Scarlet Rose story, an original fic and turned it into a Justin Bieber FanFiction a few months ago and posted it on Wattpad. They were getting mega attention for it and basking in the "oh em gees this is amazing" comments. Thankfully someone Google an address in the story and realizes that it had been plagerized for word word.
    Needless to say I went bezerk aND had the story taken down in 24 hours that's after I replied to every comment that the story was mine and gave them a link and then posted on the authors wall to take it down. Her reply, "Well, I credited you."
    Um, no, not once. I went through every comment and every inch of that story and not once was I credited.
    Anyways, yeah, Wattpad is really good for getting plagerized story and the administration are great at taking them down quick if you report it.
    And no don't take it as a compliment. Its theft. That's like, "oh you got your car stolen? Take it as a compliment because they really must have love your car."
    That is your hard work and no one deserves to take the easy way out
    June 25th, 2016 at 11:41pm
  • kayyish

    kayyish (100)

    United States
    It is terrible! I just don't understand. D: I would never, ever do that to someone.

    WHAT IS WITH WATTPAD?! Why is this the first time I'm hearing of this website?!
    Did you get yours resolved?
    And exactly! How can anyone sit there and gather in all these comments on something you didn't write? I mean that's false praise. It's not legit! It's like being a freaking catfish, claiming to be someone you're not and taking in compliments on pictures that isn't even you? It's not rewarding in anyway.

    And I made an account (which took me forever because I have no idea how to work it) to message the readers. I reported it but I also messaged her to take it down because I didn't appreciate someone stealing my work and that it was pathetic. She deleted it so it's not there anymore. But, she does have another story that briefly says my character's name but I'm not worried about it because I just wanted my story to be removed from her profile.

    My boyfriend was like take it as a compliment. You write so well that she wanted to steal it. NO. I will not take it as a compliment. I will take it as someone being incredibly lazy, phony and unimaginative taking what isn't theirs.
    June 25th, 2016 at 10:45pm
  • PoeticMess.

    PoeticMess. (150)

    United States
    Definitely not crazy. This happened to me here on Mibba years ago and five months ago someone told me they saw my story on Wattpad, too. People are ridiculous. If you want to write, there's absolutely no reason to steal someone else's story. I don't understand why people want to read comments praising them for something they didn't write. ???

    Has Wattpad taken the story down yet?
    June 25th, 2016 at 10:34pm
  • Dom.

    Dom. (170)

    United States
    This is horrible and I'm so sorry it happened! I've seen so many rants from fellow Mibbians that their stories were stolen word for word and put on Wattpad. It's terrible.
    June 25th, 2016 at 09:38pm
  • kayyish

    kayyish (100)

    United States

    Thank you for making me laugh! I needed to be brought down from the immense anger I was feeling. Oh, you better believe I made an account. I spent an hour messaging all the people that had commented on it to let them know that the story they were reading was stolen. I then reported it and messaged her to delete it or else it would be for her. She ended up deleting it without responding to me but her other story kind of ties in with mine but all she did was take my character's name so I'm not worried about it too much.

    But I agree! It's pathetic. I would so much rather someone use my story as inspiration, at least that way it's flattering to know someone liked where I was going to create something not too terribly similar. But YES, I mean WORD FOR WORD copy and pasted. I was so fucking irate.
    June 25th, 2016 at 09:23pm
  • pocahontas.

    pocahontas. (565)

    United States
    Fuck no you aren't! Honestly you have way more tact than I do because I'd have a rant blog that outs the person, I'd make an account on their website of choice (if I didn't have one) and out them, I'd out them across social media, and I'd notify 1.) their school and job and 2.) any writing website they have an account on. It is SO unbelievably gross to steal from someone else. An idea, ehhhhhhh, that can be debatable, but to copy/past an entire story is just so fucked up.
    June 25th, 2016 at 09:12pm