This Generation Is Doomed - Comments

  • squidward tentacles.

    squidward tentacles. (255)

    United States
    Hail totally agree with you. It's like you literally cannot have one single different opinion from other people without them being like "well I disagree therefore you're obviously a bad person so bye." Rolling Eyes when you do voice an opinion that differs from the group everyone jumps all over you and tells you that you should keep your opinion to yourself so as not to offend anyone, even if generally you let other people rattle off their own opinions that you don't necessarily agree with without bugging them about it. Like, if someone is really your friend they should be able to handle that you're not going to agree on everything. And it baffles me that people will just start in with their opinions and just assume everyone around them agrees and if you mention that you don't share that view, they act like you're the offensive, unreasonable one. Welcome to the real world; newsflash, not everyone agrees on everything. Coffee It's made me very inclined to just stay within the small group I'm comfortable in because I have a few friends who can hang with it if our opinions differ on some things. We just kind of go "agree to disagree" and move on. Like grown ups.
    July 7th, 2016 at 05:05am
  • Dom.

    Dom. (170)

    United States
    True! Whenever a friend and I differ on a controversial topic I let them talk about it out of respect and so I can understand their point of view too. And I'm pretty sure both me and some friends have opinions out of ignorance so hearing different sides helps me educate myself.

    I come from a very blunt family and neighborhood, so I had a small culture shock about how hush-hush certain jokes are at my campus. I made a joke about Republican politicians and to even it out I made one about the Democrat ones as well. Nothing was done about my Republican jokes. In fact, people laughed and began to make jokes that were so mean they caught me off guard. But as soon as my Democrat one was said, everyone screamed "NO NO NO!" and I got the "lets not make generalizations here. Stop being rude" lecture. And God forbid I pointed out the hypocrisy in that.
    July 7th, 2016 at 04:58am
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    Yeah! The internet is a good invention but terrible when put with some people. Facepalm Oh, and how some people believe that there's only two sides - like you can either be pro-life or pro-choice. As if there can be no middle ground or people can't believe in both sides. Yeah, that opinion is horrible, but then you'll get some people who'll go off on one if you dare to say "oh that [insert group] in my neighbourhood are terrible people" because they try and make it that you've said that the entire group of people and bettlie and bully you about it. Despite the fact that small groups can be horrible people but does that mean the entire of those people are horrible? No.

    You can be non-violent but still applaud a bully victim for hitting back for the first time. No issue is black and white but some people who seem to be in the perceived 'good, moral' won't accept that.
    July 7th, 2016 at 12:42am
  • delirium.

    delirium. (1200)

    United States
    @ Mr. Darcy
    Internet and its false bravado, yeah? It just bugs me sometimes. I get some opinions are horrible like [all race] is [derogatory insult or stereotype]. But ive expereinced where I stated I dont mind guns and understand why certain ones are useful for like hunting and whatnot. And the people who are soo nonviolent come back with how me and my family need to die. Like hello, that mindset is the issue.

    @ Domi
    And thats not how it should be. My roomates are the same with Democrats. Youd think with the way they talk that democracy is the deil. But my whole family was democratic and would actually support some of their views if given the chance to talk, yaknow?

    @ hyrule.
    That is a very true exception. I believe that if someone is being poisonous and they aren't willing to change or even realize their short comings then friendship termination is the best choice. And if you've tried to fix it, then you can say you've tried.

    My roommate posted a picture of her cat, righ? Her sisters response was "ewww I hate cats but I guess no one cares about me." And then not only deleted, but blocked my roomate.

    And all I did was mention that fireworks and bombs arent the same. The suffering isnt the same. And that if she was really bothered to contact police for noise control. I would have at least like a chance to talk I out. Didnt even realize k had offended anyone and got deleted until I w we nt to go tag a picture of something id thought theyd like. Kinda hurt when the name didnt pop up, and thats the only reason I can think for my removal.
    July 7th, 2016 at 12:27am
  • ocarina.

    ocarina. (100)

    United States
    I think it depends for me though- I found that I had a very bad habit of hanging out with people who would say things that really challenged my beliefs even in passing comments and it just made me so uncomfortable (and I'm talking like, things that morally are very important to me) and it honestly just felt so freeing to cut off that negativity in my life. And I'm happier because of it definitely. So I think sometimes you should cut off sources of negativity, instead of feeling this obligation to keep a friendship to keep a friendship, it makes your life a lot happier.

    Although things like music taste or animals generally things that don't challenge your moral integrity is a very dumb reason to stop being friends with someone I will agree with you there ahahaha. c:
    July 7th, 2016 at 12:08am
  • AngelicWasteland;

    AngelicWasteland; (100)

    United Kingdom
    @ delirium.
    Definitely wishful thinking, it's a nice wish though!
    July 6th, 2016 at 11:36pm
  • Dom.

    Dom. (170)

    United States
    I feel this. Growing up my dad always taught me to respect differing opinions and considering many of mine differ from his, I've had a lot of practice with it. He said that once I enter college I'll see how people really are when it comes to opinions. I never realized how true this was until I started college. Many of my friends are liberal, which I have no problem with because I tend to lean towards the liberal side myself. But my roommate (we were in the same group of friends) leaned toward conservative, and she could never talk about her thoughts because the one time she did she was belittled and yelled at by everyone. She ranted to me in tears once because of it and I just felt so sorry for her. They did the same with me whenever my opinions slightly differed. It's sad, really.
    July 6th, 2016 at 10:51pm
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    What gets me is sometimes people don't understand that a personal opinion isn't always harmful. There are some things that I believe personally but I'd never protest or advocate for that belief, it's just what I believe personally. It doesn't affect anyone.

    The internet is a breeding ground for self-consumed, small minded people who preach about always bring accepting and yet aren't themselves. Half the people you see won't ever be as bold in real life as they are on the Internet.
    July 6th, 2016 at 09:44pm
  • delirium.

    delirium. (1200)

    United States
    @ TheDevilsHalo;
    All I can hope is by the time Shelby gets older maybe people will change. Its wishful thinkig right?

    @ Pink Lion Hina
    If it weren't for my family I would delete facebook though.

    @ Mr. Darcy
    Neigher do I. I used to love beingfriends with people who are different. Im still frieds with this guy from the Netherlands who him and his family are Muslim. He used to tell me all sorts of things about his religion. Its how we learn. Ya know?

    Tell me about it. I do have ths one friend who is an extreme pro lifer and they share "abortion is murder and supporters are guilty by association" themed images. But I know she probably doesn't mean everyone. Its just a topic we differ on and I'm not going to hate her for it.
    July 6th, 2016 at 09:33pm
  • Mr. Darcy

    Mr. Darcy (16090)

    Article Editor
    Great Britain (UK)
    I don't understand how people are willing to throw away friendships and relationships because that person supports someone different to them. Isn't what makes us human the fact that we have free-will? If we all agreed with the same thing, had the same opinion and supported the same person then our world wouldn't be as diverse as it is. You get differing music genres because people like different things, along with different political parties and so forth.

    I can't stand overly sensitive people or the ones who think their opinion is the only one that matters and death to all who believe otherwise. I'll debate people and still be friends with them. I could (potentially) be friends with someone who believes that a foetus is a baby provided they're respectful about it. But you get some people who, if they're pro-choice, refuse to even associate with a pro-lifer.
    July 6th, 2016 at 06:08pm
  • wish on a firefly

    wish on a firefly (885)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States
    I completely agree. i was taught to love and respect everyone and to treat everyone how i wanted to be treated and all of my former friends act the same way. Which is why i'm hardly on social media anymore.
    July 6th, 2016 at 05:34pm
  • AngelicWasteland;

    AngelicWasteland; (100)

    United Kingdom
    I was the same with my friends back in school, one minute we'd be arguing and the next thing we're all laughing and joking :( Things have changed so much, makes me worried for Shelby to be honest... there's so much violence and that in the world it's kinda sad!
    July 6th, 2016 at 03:41pm