Pokemon Go - Comments

  • I still have all the Pokemon games up until Platinum/Diamond. I got tired of playing them. I got almost all of mine from yard sales or this place I used to go that sold games. It changed owners though so the guy doesn't give discounts like that last 2 who knew me really well.

    Have you checked Amazon? I'm sure you could find some older ones there. Or do you have a game trading/selling store near you? I wouldn't go to GameStop though. They are ridiculous in prices in my opinion. At least the last time I went there it was.

    I kind of want Pokemon Go, but I don't have enough room on my phone. It also seems pretty boring and I live in the middle of nowhere. Don't think I'm going to find much.
    July 10th, 2016 at 02:57am
  • My husband and I both have this game, but he's driving me nuts. Lol

    I still have my game boy and the yellow version Pokemon. I've had since I was like 9 I think. Toy day at school was always spent playing it.
    July 10th, 2016 at 01:47am
  • I buy my old GameBoy Color and Advace Pokémon games from flea markets. They're the bet Cute
    July 10th, 2016 at 01:00am
  • Do you have an old ds or a 3ds because if you have a 3ds you can spend about $30 getting the original Pokemon games (Red, Blue, Yellow) from the Nintendo E-Shop, otherwise, i buy mine from GameStop or if my mom sees some, she'll buy them from Ebay or Amazon if they're cheap enough. And if i'm really broke I resort to downloading roms you can play on emulators on your computer or ds. And yeah, they're for Nintendo, at least Pearl, Platinum, Diamond, Soul Silver, and Heart Gold are, Pokemon X, Y, Alpha Sapphire, and Omega Ruby are for 3ds.
    July 9th, 2016 at 09:10pm