Technology: Where's the Limit? - Comments

  • Unown

    Unown (190)

    United Kingdom
    I remember reading this too, and my initial reaction was to dislike the idea. However, I can understand the benefits that it would bring if it were to be successful as planned. Yet I still go by this deep, dark and horrible self-belief that we as humans are detrimental to the Earth and everything else that lives in or on it (ourselves included).

    I would support a young person in getting an organ transplant, of course, but when it comes to somebody who is already of age, if they too started to receive more organs and live longer and longer...I ask a similar question to the one that you did: when is enough enough?

    Perhaps organs are only given to people under a certain age - I haven't researched into this so please forgive me if I'm worrying about nothing here.

    Our population is already humongous and damaging enough as it is. I'm in no way implying that I encourage deaths of others. I guess I'm trying to say that I think we're still trying to avoid the causes of nature to the point of our own undoing - and the world's. The world is one gigantic system with natural laws, and balance, which I think we do still need to abide by, to an extent.

    Immortality is not natural, nor should it be desirable in my opinion.
    July 21st, 2016 at 02:01pm
  • Chairman Meow

    Chairman Meow (925)

    @ zuccarello.
    I can see the appeal in this research. But I'm still skeptical in terms of humanity. And from the articles, it's mentioned that the scientists are working on a way to control which organs to grow and what not to grow. I know this will help humans in the long run but I guess we'll just have to see what this research will lead to. It's still in the early stage and there are a lot of issues to be addressed. Shifty
    July 21st, 2016 at 07:32am
  • delicate.

    delicate. (100)

    Ghoul of 2016
    United States
    Definitely an interesting topic. As a science person, I have to say I am for a lot of this research. As far as the "how far is too far" question, I don't think we'd ever get there. Scientists have been making these chimeras for decades. While they weren't necessarily human chimeras, they were still different species. So much research has been done in developmental biology. Mammals, like the human and the pig, both have very regular stages of development. Scientists can tell at exactly what stage what organs or systems are being created. Obviously, there is a lot more to it than that. I would be really curious to read the article you read. I could possibly offer more insight then.
    July 21st, 2016 at 04:39am