Hello Again, Old Friend + TW: Tr*mp - Comments

  • I've been in an on-and-off relationship with a girl that lives about 700 miles away (and at one point in our relationship, she had moved for family reasons to Arizona, which is about 1.9k miles away) for about four years now but we've never actually been together in this time because neither of us had the money or chance. However, next summer, she's coming to visit me and then moving somewhere that is literally only 2 hours away by car from me for school. So I definitely understand this frustration and struggle, even.

    It's definitely not the easiest thing to be in love with someone that you can't be with physically, but I think your relationship is just as valid as someone's that can be together physically. You shouldn't ever feel like you have to justify your relationship just because you're not physically in the same room right now. In fact, I think LDR's have an advantage over "real" relationships because you will know this person inside out emotionally and mentally, and you'll have fantastic communication. I think most of the problem people have with LDR's is that society still ingrains into people that a relationship isn't "valid" unless you can hold hands, kiss, have sex, etc. because these things equate to love apparently??? Hand So people think that without these things, a relationship simply can't work when no, "sexual chemistry" doesn't matter.

    I've endured a lot of people dismissing my relationship and acting as if it's not important as the next person's, and it can get to you in the beginning. Because it did to me, with a sense of annoyance and a need to defend my relationship, but eventually I learned that the only thing that'll ever matter are the two people in the relationship and that's it. So you do you and be happy and don't worry about others~ Arms

    wow what a rant i'm sorry
    November 12th, 2016 at 06:55am
  • Don't let the unwanted opinions of others dictate your feelings towards the person you fell in love with. I know what it is to endure a long distance relationship. It has its ups and downs, but in the long run, only you two have the right to continue what your heart desires. I am moving with my boyfriend in January and he's the best thing that happened to me. With faith, trust and honesty the relationship will stand strong.


    Hugs and just be happy Very Happy
    November 11th, 2016 at 09:35pm