A Big Fat Rant about Managing. - Comments

  • Unown

    Unown (190)

    United Kingdom
    I can relate to this strongly. In my area of business, I also struggle to understand why an online calendar hasn't been implemented for the sake of fairness and ease of management. We just generally have to trust that our head is dividing all jobs equally and fairly. In truth, I hadn't actually considered it until I told my best friend about the issue of uncertainty and she questioned it. I would consider making the suggestion myself if I were only in the 'good books', but due to uni being extremely busy lately I've been taking some last-minute time off. Maybe I'll suggest it in a few weeks or so.

    Why not consider making the suggestion during a casual conversation with the manager? Maybe she hasn't thought about it before, or perhaps doesn't even realise that these kind of online calendars which are accessible to all but can be edited by selected people exist!
    December 6th, 2016 at 09:08pm