Relearning Left - Comments

  • I feel you on this one. I started off left-handed as a child, but I went to a strict Catholic primary school from the age of 4 onwards. When I'd write with my left hand and the teacher noticed, she'd rap me across the knuckles with a ruler. Not hard or anything, but just enough for me to associate writing with my left hand as a bad thing. My brother was luckier though -- he's 6 years younger than me, so by the time he got to school, our school had amalgamated with another in the area due to budget cuts, and as a result a lot of the old teachers retired, so he still writes with his left hand.

    I didn't realise it had negative psychological effects when you write with your non-dominant hand though. I might actually consider doing the same as you and trying to re-teach myself to write with my left hand. Things like guitar playing would be impossible though, I don't think I could teach myself to play that left-handed but writing could be a start. How are you going about it? I wouldn't even know where to start with trying to write with my left hand again.
    December 10th, 2016 at 12:39pm
  • I've had people try correcting me on being left handed, it didn't work thankful but I can do a lot of things decently with my right hand.
    December 10th, 2016 at 04:41am