Organizing Writing Tips? - Comments

  • Your organized way sounds like how i have mine. I have a writing folder and in it is two folders, one for originals and the other for fanfics. I have the fanfics separated by their fandoms but then the actual stories. but that's about it.
    February 10th, 2017 at 01:13am
  • I have a "Stories" folder where I keep photos, layouts, inspirations, etc, all inside other folders labelled with the actual story names. As for my writing, I keep it all in my documents folder. I label the files like this "Title - Story" or "Title - Characters" or "Title - Ideas" depending on what it's for.

    Then, to keep the chapters separate within the documents, I space them so that only one chapter can be seen at a time. That way I can count them out as I'm going through. So after each chapter, there's a bunch of space before the next chapter.

    And then all the stories/character lists/idea pages/etc are alphabetized so that anything that's for the same story ends up together. :)
    February 10th, 2017 at 01:01am
  • I compress. I use Google Docs for my writing so it automatically holds things either by alphabet or date (I prefer date). I usually just have files That are like "XYZ outline" then XYZ which has a cover page of what it is so I can identify it by the little thumbnail and all the chapters that I've written for it are there together. Your systems sounds way more organized and put together than mine though lol. I usually only write muli-chaptered original fics though, so I guess that allows me to be more loose with my organization. I also have two google accounts (one from when I was younger and one that I have now) which just separate itself to be one account for school/business and one for creative endeavors/personal.
    February 9th, 2017 at 11:39pm