Best Friends Aren't Forever - Comments

  • cruciatus.

    cruciatus. (455)

    United States
    Sometimes as people get older and different life events happen, friendships end. They're not always meant to be a forever kind of thing. Sometimes, a person is your friend during a time when you need them, and that's what they're meant for. Sad, and definitely frustrating in the circumstances you said, but it's true.

    My best friend and I had been practically inseparable in high school and then in senior year, I was moving away and she was angry about it and found little reasons to stop being my friend. It affected us for over five years, and we're just now starting to talk again. It's been seven years since we graduated. It may take time, but maybe eventually you and this person will be able to solve your issues and become friends again.
    September 22nd, 2017 at 04:20am