"Popular" Authors Write Trash - Comments

  • This.Useless.Heart.

    This.Useless.Heart. (115)

    United States
    I've read a few stories on Wattpad, but they mostly don't seem to have stuff I really want to read. I've never made an account or posted any work or anything though because I just didn't see the point in using yet another platform when my fandoms are mostly not popular and therefore wouldn't get a significant number of reads. Also, frankly, I assumed the userbase was mostly way younger than me because most people I've known or heard of using it are kids.
    But I'm glad the community on here is as chill as it is for sure. I also love the feedback I get on AO3, whenever I get feedback.
    November 3rd, 2017 at 09:12pm
  • champion;

    champion; (250)

    United States
    Unfortunately people are like this in all aspects of life. Celebrities get this kind of vitriol all the time. People will always be jealous of everyone doing better than them
    November 2nd, 2017 at 11:06pm
  • ocarina.

    ocarina. (100)

    United States
    @ Devil Dog Hina
    I feel like people act as if these popular stories that are "so much worse" than their own are like, actively taking away from the chances of their stories becoming popular, and like, that's not it? It's not like Wattpad has a limit of "you can only read 3 stories per month" or anything. These stories existing is not taking away from your story. .___.

    And you should! Despite my ranting in this blog, I genuinely do enjoy it there! Once you find your place, find some friends, write some stories, the good tends to outweigh the bad. Like I've mentioned before, bigger scope means better opportunity to reach more people, but also more opportunity to encounter bullshit ahaha.

    @ Ghoul Scouts
    Ahh, like in the above, I genuinely love Wattpad and this is just a small thing that irks me. Once you block out all of that, in can be a super fun place, and like I said I've made some amazing friends on there. I can't deny that Wattpad's given me a bunch of opportunities (also the getting paid thing is nice ahaha) so I'm by no means trying to dissuade people from checking it out.

    If anything I think we should get more people on there that don't have this awful attitude to drown out those that do, ahah. ^^
    November 2nd, 2017 at 09:02pm
  • wish on a firefly

    wish on a firefly (885)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States
    @ Ghoul Scouts
    honestly wattpads not too bad if you can learn to ignore the "hate" on there but I stay with Mibba due to the confusing layout and how popular stories with tons and tons of comments are always being shoved down readers'/viewers' throats.
    November 2nd, 2017 at 08:59pm
  • Ghoul Scouts

    Ghoul Scouts (165)

    Magazine Staff
    United States
    I have a Wattpad....but I never go on it. But reading this makes me want to stay away from it. I hate how people trash really successful stories. They are clearly jealous.
    November 2nd, 2017 at 07:31pm
  • wish on a firefly

    wish on a firefly (885)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States
    Honestly I dislike wattpad because of how many people are all either impatient for updates or if something becomes popular, they instantly assume stories getting popular are the same. But yet some of these people complaining about the popular stories are probably the same ones that claimed to have been reading those popular stories from the start and were probably all, "Oh this is awesome, why don't this have more reads/views?!" when said popular stories were first starting.

    Reading your blog about wattpad somehow reminded me that Wattpad still exists... And I still need to try and branch out to there. Think
    November 2nd, 2017 at 05:08pm