Relaxed, Finally - Comments

  • I mean. you apparently could afford it somewhat if you had the privilege of being able to say fuck it at all. no judgment here, just saying that not everyone can do that. I'd have been too worried about how the hell to make ends meet and how I'd survive until my next paycheck because of the aforementioned adult responsibilities lmao. $230 is a pretty penny to me but maybe I'm just doing something wrong or I'm not risky enough, who knows. but I quite like eating and having a roof over my head lmfao.

    but I do hope your weekend has been extra chill so at least being broke is worth it because it would suck if the weekend was shit
    November 12th, 2017 at 01:14pm
  • Oh sweet, that sounds super relaxing and fun. I'm kind of jealous.
    I hope you have an amazing weekend. Arms
    November 11th, 2017 at 07:02pm
  • @ uroboros
    you know, in reality i couldn't afford it lmao. i actually made myself just go completely broke but i just said fuck it for once lmao.

    @ DarkestStorm
    It really wasn't that expensive believe it or not. $230 which isnt a bad price for the weekend. Well i didn't want to pay $10 a day for wifi, that's crazy! smirnoff is good! i take it you had the screwdriver? i used to be able to drink those but after drinking a whole 6 pack, forget it lol. Netflix is my life. apparently i had netflix for the past 2 weeks and didn't even realize it lmaoo
    November 11th, 2017 at 03:59pm
  • wow, that sounds unreal. really nice. I'd love to have hundreds of dollars just laying around so I could rent a condo for a weekend for the hell of it but I have too many adult responsibilities lmao.
    November 11th, 2017 at 10:54am
  • That's so fun! I've always wanted to book something (like a hotel, cheaper, ha0 for the weekend as a mini getaway. That condo sounds amazing! So jealous, I'm glad you get the break from everything. Lack of wifi fees are the best.

    I'm not up to much tonight, I'm staying up a little late since I don't have to work until 8am tomorrow (grocery store). I drank about three quarters of a bottle of smirnoff which tasted pretty good. I'm usually not a fan of alcohol but this was like, carbonated and tasted like orange juice. ::laugh: I also watched the newest episode of Andi Mack which I loved. Netflix is everything in my life right now, that and Hulu.
    November 11th, 2017 at 05:47am