Why I Haven't Gone Back to School - Comments

  • @ PoeticMess.
    I mean, if I do end up moving in April, I will for sure be going to that other college. If I don't, I might just suck it up and drive 30 mins from where I currently live to go to the other college. It's just, the school is so small and I've always envied how my friends from high school got to go somewhere else with a bigger school and better programs and I'm just here at this dinky little school that's half the size of their community college. For the record, I would have went there if my parents didn't live an hour and fifteen minutes away. I used to drive 30 mins just to get to high school.
    November 20th, 2017 at 06:54pm
  • I've been where you're at with your first point. I lost my scholarship after my freshman year because I couldn't get my grades up high enough in the beginning of my sophomore year. I lost the scholarship by .03% of a GPA point, and I was pissed. I also had mental health issues that I struggled with, but ultimately it was my mistake. I screwed up and lost my scholarship. I didn't know the university rule about GPAs and scholarships at the time, but it was still on me. It sucks that the university isn't more flexible with certain circumstances, but it's there's not one person that says "I just don't want to give this girl her scholarship." It's just people doing their jobs, and they're not allowed to break the rules either. It look me a long time to come to terms with that. It's not that they don't care about your issues, it's just not their job to bend the rules for them. I dealt with that too.

    It sounds like you know what you need to do, i.e. switch to a different college. I get that there are reasons for that, but don't dwell on them too much. It sucks that the school spent that much money on something barely anyone will use, but since it doesn't affect you, don't let it get you down more! Just do what you gotta do and get out of there. My mom was pissed about some of my decisions, but she eventually came around. Hopefully your dad will too. Maybe wait until you enroll in the new college to tell him about the old college lmfao
    November 20th, 2017 at 06:32pm