Christmas Crap - Comments

  • HiddenxHeart

    HiddenxHeart (100)

    United States
    @ Lucasluc
    While I completely understand that people want to make the others in their life happy, I don't think it's an excuse to the way they act towards others that work in retail or others that work in customer service, and while I know that isn't what you were trying to say I just wanted to let you see from another perspective, not saying you should hate Christmas, in fact I'm completely happy you love this time of year I used to love it too, the lights, the wonder, and how our family used to be happy when we all got together, it's just for others like me it's harder now a days, the presents are more extravagant the decorations out of reach and the pressure that is coming from my own family, the holidays are harder this year for me, for my birthday(the 20th this month) I went to visit a friend in the hospital and found out they have liver cancer, meanwhile my mother is having a mental breakdown, and I'm slowly watching my grandma die a little more everyday, watching a littler closer as she sleeps to make sure she's still breathing. And while this isn't Christmas's fault the added stress by working with these self justified rude customers doesn't help me really get into the Christmas spirit.
    I thank you for trying to cheer me up, and I know thats how Christmas should go, and I'm sorry I'm such a bummer, I just wanted you to know why I feel the way I do about this holiday even though you are completely right with everything you said, I do hope you have a wonderful Christmas, and your lights shine as bright as you :)
    December 24th, 2017 at 07:35pm
  • Lucasluc

    Lucasluc (100)

    United States
    Many people in the world are selfish put a lot of expectations on themselves, but it's not so much because they fear of being judged, it's because they love their family so much that they want to give them the best experience they can. It's the same as what a parent would do for their child- always pressuring themselves to make their child have the best experiences out of life.

    The holiday only gives us an opportunity to see life and ourselves in a new way, but it is up to individual people to understand that lesson for ourselves. The holiday offers nothing but goodness, but people are what twist it and make it seem hateful. If people feel pressured and stressed about it, it's because they haven't dealt with a personal obstacle that they need to overcome.

    Christmas shows people's true colors, if we understand that, then we can look at ourselves in a new light and change what we don't like about ourselves. We just need someone to show us what true giving and love is before we can work on obtaining it. Hope this finds you in good (emotional) health. :) have a good day.
    December 23rd, 2017 at 10:54pm