Get Recc'd Eight // Some Stuff and Things - Comments

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    September 29th, 2023 at 05:56am
  • @ Sloan.
    You're so welcome! tehe
    January 23rd, 2018 at 10:11pm
  • Thanks so much for the recommendation (I was Roden.) Very Happy
    January 23rd, 2018 at 07:12pm
  • @ doppo.
    (I'M CRYING I'M LAUGHING THIS IS LIFE. They totally are. They looked at each other, then cut their eyes at exactly the same time. File lmfao )

    1.) Tbh I almost DIDN'T make this layout at all because I hate the damn flea but then there was a big flash and I woke up disoriented and here we are.

    2.) In Love In Love I CANNOT. AHHHH.

    3.) Yes! That is a perfect way of putting it. I used to be really bad at author to author support, honestly, but it gives me such life now.

    4.) You know what, finding GIFs of him doing anything but freaking out is really hard. On that topic, I searched his tag the other day and Tumblr glitched and was like "that's it for Kunikida Doppo" and showed me no posts and I was kind of like "idk what I expected at this point".

    Okay, now that I've gone off the rail, back on track we go.

    YOU NEVER HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT BEING DISAPPOINTING. Arms Arms You could legitimately write a chapter full of memes and I'd be there to appreciate and gush.


    One day. One day it will come to us both. I pray, amen.

    (That is so TRUE.

    He is. Flea cockroach hybrid. He's literally everything wrong with the world.


    Tbh I get floored very often by a lot of things. I'm the last person to tell people how to do things. BUT I HAVE SOME STRONG FEELINGS ABOUT THE WAY PEOPLE HANDLE THESE PRECIOUS CHARACTERS AND I'MA STOP RIGHT NOW BEFORE I POP OFF. Cause I'm not trying to be that guy, but also.
    January 23rd, 2018 at 05:27am
  • (okay mega random side note and i don't know why but your icon and my icon are giving me such major side-eye that they almost feel like they're doing it together lmfao i think it's because they're facing opposite directions, looking the same way, the colors, and the fact that my eyes like to play tricks on me and long story short help i'm in too deep i gotta GO)

    1) DUDE at "izaaayaaa-kuuun~" (i'm probably missing some letters gdfjkgn) my heart did a little jumpy and i died. in the afterlife, i saw shizu & izaya in v flattering pink on the side and i was revived and then the "yes, shizu-chan?" at the bottom just sailed right into my face IT WAS A WILD RIDE.

    2) i know you've delivered well above & beyond my expectations In Love you always one-up whatever i think i'm gonna get and it's so amazing, i know it'll be great when i get to read! Arms

    3) it's totally full of amazing work by amazing people and i love seeing some of it get spotlighted and promoted because not only does it introduce it to me, it might be that nice little push or boost that the authors need to feel good or make them happy and it's just?? i love your rec blogs so much In Love Arms

    4) aha, you see, he might have been able to with his soft lil face as he slid deeper into the oil drum, but i have been strengthened by such soft smiles as the little one kunikida makes at the end of episode 10 and that one time aph sweden smiled in a hetalia ova; mr. dazai can not shake me. >:)

    gjrdkhgdjfhnb thank you so much that's so sweet pLEASE Arms Arms DFKSHF THAT MAKES ME SO HAPPY ??!! TYSMTYSMTYSM OMG I DON'T WANNA DISAPPOINT HHH the same goes for you, you know, don't ever think what you've written is boring because i guarantee it's just a joy to read no matter what; you make even the most peaceful moments interesting so you don't have to worry. you've got such a talent. Hug and i hope you get that divine inspo, too! it needs to latch onto you and just...not let go forever so you get that satisfaction and peace you deserve.

    (50% GKJSRHG LET ME AT HIM RIGHT NOW I WILL END HIM. izaya can't cause problems and writer issues and strife for shizuo if he doesn't exist to begin with. :)

    I'M LAUGHSEDUHG "like he gon' die, but he wouldn't go down that easily" lmfao he's a literal cockroach omg. & i've been trying to get a comment out on playing god for eight million years, i promise it's coming ahhHhh)

    atsushi is that perfect relatable character and such a sweetie to boot and y'all are really out here underrating and unapprecating smh, it's time to get into fisticuffs.

    you're welcome, and thank you!
    January 23rd, 2018 at 05:13am
  • @ doppo.

    2.) I only hope I've delivered because I read through it earlier and was kind of nodding like "oh yes,my boys I've done welll", but then went back to edit and was all "nah dude this is v boring". Shifty In Love

    3.) Arms Arms I'm so glad! The more I can get things out there, the happier I am. I just get really excited and inspired by highlighting such great works, because Mibba is just full of such wonderful thing and people.

    4.) Dies just thought that maybe he was scary enough to spoop everyone away.

    Just gonna throw it out there that nothing you could ever write ever could possibly be boring because it's all phenomenonal. File Arms THAT COULD JUST BE CAUSE RED STRING IS LIKE MY FAVORITE STORY BUT I WON'T CALL BIAS IF NO ONE ELSE WILL.

    But if that isn't my feels exactly I don't know what is. One day you'll get that divine inspiration though.

    (I WILL GLADLY LET YOU AT HIM OH MY GOD. The chapter is there. It's 50% done. It's done up to the part he appears. Cause I'm just like "NOOOOO THE ONE THING SHIZUO ALWAYS RESISTED".

    Also Playing God is 50% finished, but I feel like I kill him off too easily, like he gon' die, but he wouldn't go down that quick.)

    Atsushi is life. Anyone who claims otherwise can meet my fists.

    Thank you omg. In Love Arms You definitely also deserve the best of everything.

    Edit because I forgot to add that your icon has reminded me that it's day 37 and I'm still nowhere near as handsome as Kunikida.
    January 23rd, 2018 at 04:29am
  • 1) your layout killed me, brought me back to life, and then kicked me in the face I LOVE IT SO MUCH

    2) 3,917 words In Love i can't wait to read do you know how excited i am? do you know how ready i am to cry and be happy and blessed because oh my god i really hope my phone agrees with me tonight so i can read and scream when i get to bed In Love

    3) i love that you do rec blogs, it gives me so much good material to read (& i'm literally never online when you post them bc my setup hates me and i never get to comment on them but BOOM here i am) and i'm so excited to get to reading these, thank you for doing these blogs In Love

    4) pfft did dazai think he was gonna stop me from scrolling down. does he own me? do i look like a piece of his little bungou harem? nah.

    but i totally get what you're saying about writing. the major writers' block on stories is a monster and the main reason my older stories would die. and now that i'm super in love and excited to write again, i get my app open and pfft. i have no idea where to go from there. i have all these ideas and no idea on how to put into words or a cohesive story / chapter? so i just sit there. and i'm like "uhhh fic, do you wanna get written or not?" and the fic is like "uhhh, amina, do you wanna write me or not?" and we're at a standoff. i literally have three or four almost-finished chapters for red string that are all for the same. chapter. i have so many different versions of chapter three and one is almost 4000 words of boring and the others are at least 1000-2000 words of wtf is this. because i'm so stuck on where to go that i just try and branch and put all my ideas down but they all drag and one of them is so nonsensical and doesn't fit the tone to me and it's just AAAH. and it drives me insane. i get so excited to write for it and then i open my phone and poof it's gone. Cry that was so unnecesarily long, omg, i'm so sorry. tl;dr i totally feel you & i hope these writing struggles ease up for you soon because i know it sucks a lot Arms

    (also i'm ready to kill izaya for that new chapter of up in flames, lemme at 'im. i'll take the burden from shizu's hands. an early bday present for him.)

    & all those atsushi gifs? eternal, ultimate, mega mood.

    i hope you're having a lovely day, too; you deserve the best, okieHug
    January 23rd, 2018 at 02:24am
  • @ Wild Gaurdian
    Bodies are weird.

    lmfao At least there's that.
    January 22nd, 2018 at 10:27pm
  • @ petite mafia.
    Probably. I remember delirium showing me a picture of Jared Padalecki going swimming and his swimming trunks or shorts looked low on him too so it could be they're just low xD

    Ahaha same here. It seems like my plan on reading stories on mibba and reccing them isn't going well but at least i've stuck with writing so far. XD
    January 22nd, 2018 at 10:25pm
  • @ Wild Gaurdian
    It's either that or his hip bones are way too high.

    I have a lot of catching up to do with comments still.
    January 22nd, 2018 at 10:22pm
  • Is it just me or my perverted mind or does Izaya's pants look a bit low on him in your layout. :O

    HIII! I have catch up on my reads because I've been sidetracked by video games, and my own writing. More stories to put on my sub list xD
    January 22nd, 2018 at 09:21pm
  • @ Ghoul Scouts
    You're welcome! Arms In Love
    January 22nd, 2018 at 04:01pm
  • @ Shatterheart
    Love you too, wonderful friend! Arms Arms

    Gah it is truly terrible. Don't bless us with this inspiration and then tske it away. File

    I think it's entirely possible I could be mostly dead inside as well, so that's a good point.
    January 22nd, 2018 at 04:01pm
  • OH MY GOSH! OMGYES Thank you for reccing my story along with these other fabulous stories! Arms Crazy
    January 22nd, 2018 at 02:48pm
  • Crazy Arms

    love yooooouuuu! And I can sympathize about the whole writing frustrations. You are in the presence of the queen of writing slumps. Of course, it could be that am just dead on the inside, and my well of inspiration is all dried up.
    January 22nd, 2018 at 01:49pm