30 Day Anime Blog Challenge: Day Two - Comments

  • diphylleia.

    diphylleia. (100)

    United States
    @ Shatterheart
    God, when he found out about his sister my heart actually stopped and this strangled"no" came out of me, it was almost, AKMOST as bad as Odasaku's orphans all over again. But not quite because I don't think anything will ever be that tier of painful. Also right?!?!? He's such a little shit but he's such a good person? And just has claimed this ragtag misfit family as his own instantly and is protecting them with all he has? What a precious man?!

    You're definitely not crazy. It's really an amazing concept, having secondary characters you can get so invested in.
    March 4th, 2018 at 04:08pm
  • Shatterheart

    Shatterheart (140)

    United States
    UGH LIN. This man has put me through ALL the emotions from the first episode.
    Also, the last episode really says it all--- like you know how good of a man you have to be to be willing to take a beating for a kid that has sold you out to a buyer of info? ugh. LIN.

    And this anime is also a good example of giving minor characters that are like... crazy. Crazy Maybe it's not the right word, but like all the secondary characters have a story and personality...or maybe I am the crazy one??? lmfao
    March 4th, 2018 at 07:39am
  • diphylleia.

    diphylleia. (100)

    United States
    @ Shatterheart
    YOU HONOR ME FAR MORE THAN I DESERVE. Side note: Power outage noooooooo. Arms That's horrid and I'm glad it's over now.

    OKAY LIN IS MY FREAKING SON AND I WILL CUT A BITCH FOR HIM. What am I saying he's better with a knife than I will ever be. I really didn't want to like Enokida because he gave me Izaya vibes but he's growing on my so fast, he better not flip on me, I swear. And if anyone touches a hair on Banba's head,they're dead to me. This has been a Ted talk. File

    We're all festering in this together. Arms We have strength in our bond. Exactly. I'm over here like "THIS SHOW WAS EVERYTHING TO ME FROM EP. 2 WHAT KIND OF IN HUMAN BEING ARE YOU?" It's a work of art. A masterpiece worth 10 million.

    I FREAKING LOVE 50% OFF IT'S OKAY. Haru's split personality is my fave.
    March 4th, 2018 at 06:47am
  • Shatterheart

    Shatterheart (140)

    United States
    I literally just got out of a power outage to find we were blessed with these anime blogs??? I have died and made it to heaven.

    First: HOMG HAKATA TONKOTSU RAMEN AJAKJAFJDAFKJLD Lin got more respect from me, goddamit. And the hacker mushroom::teehee:... damn, the smarts on the kid.

    Secondly: you already know of my unhealthy obsession with BSD. Like it has crossed from chronic to terminal, man.
    Like when someone goes "meh... this anime isn't that great." I am like ready to fight them. The characters are great, the story is amazing, the plot twist omg the twists. And it is sooo fucking deep!! Everything about it makes me want to sob.

    Also... I personally never watched Free! but I did watch all the 50% Off spoof... I know... I know...USURPER.
    March 4th, 2018 at 06:37am