Hospital Blues + Diet Advice/Help - Comments

  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    No problem! There's some really cool meals out there so hopefully you find something that'll work! Arms
    May 6th, 2018 at 10:29pm
  • Ghoul Scouts

    Ghoul Scouts (165)

    Magazine Staff
    United States
    @ nearly witches.
    Oh my gosh, thank you so much for such a wonderful response to my question! I think I'm going to start looking up vegan meals that are low in fiber. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
    May 6th, 2018 at 01:42pm
  • nearly witches.

    nearly witches. (15250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Firstly, I hope everything looks up for you soon! Arms

    Diet wise, have you looked at vegan alternatives? I'm a vegetarian and lactose intolerant so I kinda have to limit my dairy intake (not that I actually do 90% of the time because I have cheese on everything) and I found vegan alternatives helped a lot. Are you allowed to eat things like curry? There are a bunch of really good websites online that do coconut milk curries, which I know are low in dairy and you can get low-fat versions of coconut milk as it is. I personally love this recipe, but I take the peanut butter out because I don't like it. I'm also quite partial to making up a curry sauce with coconut milk, soy milk or rice milk and then just chucking whatever vegetables I can find into the sauce. Normally I'll fry some mushrooms, sweet potato and onion together and then chuck it into the sauce. I'm not sure if those would work though, as curry is quite caustic for the stomach, I think. I also make a lot of mushroom pastas, but again, I'm not sure if that'd suit. I normally use porcini stock, garlic paste, a bunch of button mushrooms (roughly 300g normally) and onion (one full onion) and lactose free creme fraiche. Pop the onions in, fry for a couple of minutes, pop in garlic / garlic paste (either one clove or a few spoonfuls of garlic paste) and fry a bit more. Pop mushrooms and stock in (make the stock dead thick first, I normally only use a few tablespoons), fry for a minute longer, pop in the creme fraiche (200ml) and mix it all together. Leave it to simmer for a bit and then pop cooked pasta into it. I think brown pasta has a whole bunch of fibre in it, but I'm not too sure about white pasta?

    Also, do you guys have Quorn? It's like a meat substitute we have over here and it could perhaps help? They have things like chicken strips and nuggets, but all really low in fat. I'm not too sure about the fibre content on them, but it might be worth looking into? It's touted as a healthy alternative to meat so I know the fat is through the floor on it. At worst, it'd be good to sub for chicken in any normal meals you're able to eat and might make it a bit better.

    Also in terms of snacking, jelly? I have no idea what you guys call it though because I know you call your jam jelly. It's like... wobbly dessert? We've got a brand over here called Hartleys that's no fat, no cholesterol and no fibre, as well as having low sugar content and stuff so if you could find something like that maybe it'd make a nice change?

    I wish I could think up more but my diet consists of me pretending I'm not lactose intolerant 99% of the time, eating too much cheese and spending the night in agony. lmfao I hope you find some nice things to fill up the weeks you've got to be on the diet! Arms
    May 6th, 2018 at 11:38am
  • Ghoul Scouts

    Ghoul Scouts (165)

    Magazine Staff
    United States
    @ VixL
    Thank you for the best wishes! Arms
    May 5th, 2018 at 05:48pm
  • VixL

    VixL (100)

    United States
    Sad Sad Sad I’m SO glad you are back Arms Arms Arms I kept hoping you’d make an update soon!! SO glad you are OK!!! Hug Hug And I know that diet sucks, but I hope it makes you feel better Hug Although I still have no clue wth you’re supposed to eat Sad XD Facepalm
    May 5th, 2018 at 05:47pm