Needing Some Advise - Comments

  • fienix66613

    fienix66613 (100)

    United States
    @ Ghoul Scouts
    Thanks so much for your advise! I would get him a trainer but I can't afford a trainer. They are so expensive. That German shepherd is extremely aggressive and lunges at anything except for the owner. I did tell my neighbor that his dog attacked mine while my dog was walking away. He was very upset that his dog would do that and looked at my dog's wound. He did apologize and is now keeping him tied up better.

    I did warn him though. I said if his dog gets loose again and starts a fight with my dog and I have to break it up and the German shepherd bites me...then I'll have to do something about it. But where I'm from its a state law that if you have a female dog and not a licensed breeder, you have to have her spayed. Anyways thanks for your helpful advise
    October 27th, 2018 at 05:55pm
  • Ghoul Scouts

    Ghoul Scouts (165)

    Magazine Staff
    United States
    Well first off, the neighbors should not be so careless to let their dog get loose like that. Especially if it's an unfriendly dog. So if the dog keeps getting loose, you need to report it, so better precautions are taken care of.

    As someone who has an older dog(5 years old), and he also misbehaves on his walks(among other behavior issues), I will most likely have to get a behaviorist for him. I think your dog doesn't need a behaviorist, but possibly a trainer. Someone to help you with getting your dog to learn that you are in charge, and to listen. Otherwise, avoiding certain times would work too.
    October 25th, 2018 at 02:00am