Quick Blog Before Bed - Comments

  • @ VixL
    Spongebob is everything.
    I’m the weirdo who actually WANTS this to be me and sees it as healthy beause it means I’m in my zone! lmfao I’m so happy for you! Cry
    Right? That's exactly why I love it. Thank you! One day you'll get there. And I'm going to post the next chapter now! Cute
    dawn of light:
    Okay, I’m on the same boat with the number of hours when it comes to sleep lmfao I know I’m supposed to get 7-8 but sometimes I get 5-6 and I feel, somewhat, more productive. It’s crazy to me! That’s one more thing I need to work on in 2019–fix my sleeping habits lmfao
    Right?! My boss will ask, "Wow.Whatever you did today, do it again. Because you were super productive." WELL I got barely six hours of sleep and I actually took a 15. lmfao I need to fix it but I work in retail so... it probably won't happen. Especially in December. I think I was running on like an average of five hours of sleep just this last December and I not doing that again. I think I nearly gave myself an ulcer because I was barely sleeping and eating. (I discovered, after I had signed up for basically a week of overnights, that I cannot sleep during the day time.) Cheese No
    January 6th, 2019 at 02:58am
  • Okay, I’m on the same boat with the number of hours when it comes to sleep lmfao I know I’m supposed to get 7-8 but sometimes I get 5-6 and I feel, somewhat, more productive. It’s crazy to me! That’s one more thing I need to work on in 2019–fix my sleeping habits lmfao
    January 5th, 2019 at 08:59pm
  • That spongebob gif!! lmfao
    I've missed being able to just sit and write for six hours and then realize oh shit I forgot to eat today.
    I’m the weirdo who actually WANTS this to be me and sees it as healthy beause it means I’m in my zone! lmfao I’m so happy for you! Cry

    P.S. I love fanmixes! I also can’t wait for the update to Lost Prince! I subscribed so I’ll be following!
    January 5th, 2019 at 03:29pm