Abuser Be Gone - Comments

  • Jooombiiine

    Jooombiiine (100)

    United States
    Yaaay!! That's so awesome and so freeing!! This is amazing! It's literally so awesome to be able to just let that baggage go and finally be happy. Good for you girl! Do your damn thing!
    March 28th, 2019 at 07:44am
  • Lucasluc

    Lucasluc (100)

    United States
    Here is something I'd like you to read. Hopefully it can help you I wrote it yesterday I believe or the day before. It is not edited yet so hopefully you don't find very many mistakes.

    A figure of a woman stands behind Zafira and slowly reaches down to grab her shoulders. Zafira clenches her body in a quick jolt of fear, but then she calms down and takes a deep breath.)

    Kalifa: Why are you here?

    (Zafira snaps out of her trance and quickly stands to face the woman who grabbed her shoulder. It takes her awhile to process everything.)

    Zafira: You’re free?!

    Kalifa: The world is in danger and you’re here wondering around in some barn?

    Zafira: The throne is gone! I lost to Nimrod; he beat me and I got thousands of people killed! (Backs away and clenches her face) I hurt so many people; I’ve made so many mistakes and I just don’t know how to fix them.

    (Zafira sits on a frozen pile of hay and grounds herself with a deep breath. She looks down at her hands then gently places them beside her on the hay.)

    Zafira: I did my best and that’s all I could’ve done. My best just was not good enough.

    Kalifa: Maybe you need to look at yourself in a different light. The Lookout is gone, but at heart, you’re still guardian. You are the heart of the throne. You are good enough to sit upon it and help guide the world toward a better future. You don’t have to follow in the footsteps of your predecessors. You have your own guidelines to contribute to the world.

    Zafira: I suppose- you are right. I have my own contributions to the world and if I only shared that, then-

    Kalifa: I say give it a shot. The thing I realized about being a librarian is that the title of the book isn’t what’s important it’s the story.

    (Zafira takes in Kalifa’s words very carefully then wonders outside into the cold. She stands in the middle of the fog and looks up toward the sky. Kalifa silently walks up behind her but keeps her distance.)

    Zafira: I’ve always been afraid of myself and what I could do; maybe because I never felt worthy, or maybe I was afraid I’d fail at being myself. (Looks down toward the snow) Either way, I realize I never gave myself a chance.(Looks back up) I can’t be afraid of the experiences I have had. I can draw strength from everything I have endured. It is all a part of who I am today and always will be. (Closes her eyes) I will no longer be afraid of my own power. I will learn how to lie with it. The body I have may limit how I express my power, but my true power is in my soul; and my soul can never be broken.

    (Zafira takes a deep breath and displays a peaceful smile on her face. A tear rolls down her left eye and she gently wipes it away. She realizes that her over exposed body isn’t effected by the cold weather at all. She looks around and sees that the snow storm is being blocked by an invisible field of energy that extends 30 feet tall and 30 feet all around. She looks around in amazement and nostalgia.)

    Kalifa: (Intrigued) It’s warm in here. (Smiles)

    Zafira: What is this? (Takes a few steps forward and slowly twirls around)

    Kalifa: (Looks at her with a smile) It’s you.

    Zafira: I- am – beautiful…

    Kalifa: Yeah- you’re on fire… I mean that literally, Zafira; your arm are in flames right now.

    (Zafira looks down and sees her skin is slightly catching fire. She does not fear them, but she examines them thoroughly and embraces the warmth.)

    Kalifa: All you can do is your best. Raw energy is always dangerous in its purest form. Maybe that’s the same for inner power.

    Zafira: No, this isn’t mine. This is Ra’s power. He was sealed in me and I was always afraid that his influence would take control over me. I guess by accepting every part of myself, I’m able to draw power from his influence.

    Kalifa: (Shakes her head and rubs her eyes a bit) If that’s the case, can you use Ra’s power?

    Zafira: I think… I can.

    (Zafira focuses her thoughts and allows the flames to consume her. She closes her eyes tightly and the hot white and red flames consume her body. They circle around her waist, across her legs, up her torso and around her head. She opens her eyes and her iris turn an intense auburn red color. Her black hair turns slightly red and flows as though there is a current of water around her.)
    March 27th, 2019 at 03:36am