Redraft - Comments

  • HolyWinchesters

    HolyWinchesters (100)

    United Kingdom
    @ bvcky barnes.
    @ Iron Man.

    Thank you for answering my questions, it's much appreciated.
    April 26th, 2019 at 09:56pm
  • wish on a firefly

    wish on a firefly (885)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States
    Hiiii! Ive been having loads of trouble keeping up with my own writing but what I find that helps is not only going back and revising some things, but [utting on a playlist and/or simply letting your story/idea set for a day or two then coming back to it with a refreshed mind and focus.

    1. What's your favorite part of writing?
    My favorite part of writing is honestly just coming up with characters and writing out their interactions and seeing the world through their eyes.

    2. Do you know of any decent Character Surveys to help with building a profile?
    Um I did find a website once but give me a little bit to find it and I'll post a link to it here or in another comment.

    3. Any advice for a writer who hasn't been sharing their stuff for long?
    Don't be afraid to read some constructive criticism. I mean the advice you find there you don't have to actually use but keep it in mind and apply it when you think you need it. And also be patient with silent readers. Sometimes they may not have something say right away but just because they're not commenting or giving feedback doesn't mean they're not reading your story.
    April 26th, 2019 at 07:21pm
  • hangsang.

    hangsang. (210)

    I definitely understand where you're coming from! Often with my chaptered stories I start writing and feel so much motivation and love for it, but the second I reread after not doing so for awhile, my love for it just vanishes and I feel like scrapping the entire thing. Major props to you for having the urge to rewrite! I just delete and move on with my life.lmfao

    What's your favorite part of writing?
    Definitely the characters. I love inserting myself into their minds and becoming them for a little while. Not only is it good because I'm really getting a feel for who they are, but I'm also escaping my own reality for a while. There's also the immense relief you feel when you've finished a piece.

    Do you know of any decent Character Surveys to help with building a profile?
    I know that DeviantArt has really awesome ones! It's all about searching through and finding one that best matches your character/story. I've heard that D&D character templates are a really good place to go if you really want to get a feel for your character!

    Any advice for a writer who hasn't been sharing their stuff for long?
    Be prepared for critique and/or hate comments! Critique definitely isn't a bad thing, you just have to learn how to accept it and apply it to your writing. Ask yourself what you can take away from the critique and make small changes to the way you write. Hate comments, on the other hand, are just something you have to learn to laugh at. Fanfiction is especially bad with hate comments. In the past, I've let people's petty words and insults get to me, but have learned to laugh it off or give it right back to 'em tenfold.

    Luckily, hate comments on Mibba don't happen often due to the small community we have, as well as diligent mods. However, if you're to post your work on a site like Archive of Our Own, be prepared for the ocassional hate.
    April 25th, 2019 at 01:03am
  • HolyWinchesters

    HolyWinchesters (100)

    United Kingdom
    @ youngblood.

    Thank you for your advice.
    April 24th, 2019 at 11:08pm
  • floral and fading.

    floral and fading. (100)

    Blog Moderator
    United Kingdom
    I totally agree with the fact that the smallest changes can make the biggest spark, you know? It's such a wild thing, but it's so true. Just going back and re-wording something can really help. I'm sure it'll come out wonderfully! I've never read Jensen Ackles as himself, compared to the many fanfictions that are out there about Dean Winchester.

    1. What's your favorite part of writing?
    My favourite part of writing, as a fanfiction writer, is taking a world and making it my own, building upon something that was already there and exploring corners that might not be explored in so much depth. As a writer, my favourite part is building up OCs and their personalities.

    2. Do you know of any decent Character Surveys to help with building a profile?
    I don't know of any specific surveys but if you google things like original character questionnaire, a lot of sources will take you to Tumblr and DeviantArt, so they're the best places to start looking. I've used some from DA before, and they're really great, really original.

    3. Any advice for a writer who hasn't been sharing their stuff for long?
    Listen to constructive criticism and don't take it personally. Write for yourself, if you're happy with your work, the receiving audience will see that in the quality. And just have fun!
    April 24th, 2019 at 10:55pm