What I don't understand (please don't kill me?). - Comments

  • tearsofblood

    tearsofblood (100)

    United States
    well, bi HAS become a trend and that has a benefit and a setback. the benefit is that it DOES get approval, instead of persecution which it has gotten enough of over time. The setback is that its trendiness takes from its credibility, kinda. It sounds weird, but its like...when a band gets popular, they get taken less seriously. Its just "cool" and the deeper meaning and stuff often gets ignored.

    People post in their profiles that theyre bisexual, and i just go ahead and believe it, cause who cares? I mean...they could be putting it up there to assert who they are or to look cool. I'd rather just believe the first and have a good day. (I dont see why posting it matters...I'm bisexual and in my opinion saying so in my profile would be similar to saying I got brown eyes. Ok....and?)

    As for the even comment, I agree its odd, but bisexual actually DOESNT mean you're equally attracted. Bi people lean to either homosexual or heterosexual (obviously SOME rare people lie completely in the middle but most lean)

    In my opinion no one is COMPLETELY straight. It's just a degree of HOW bisexual you are. You might not agree and that's fine
    November 23rd, 2007 at 10:29am
  • harlequin.

    harlequin. (100)

    United States
    I totally agree.
    I think it's kind of stupid to decide your sexuality at 13 or 14 or 15 or whatever.
    Technically, you don't really know until you have sex. That's why its sexuality.
    But, if you are really attracted to girls more than guys, I guess that makes you bi/lesbian/whatever.
    I mean, I've never made out with a guy, but I'm still more attracted to guys then girls.(At least I think...)
    PS, people really shouldn't label themselves. You should be loved anyway. Bi, straight, gay, lesbian, or anything else, you're still the same person.
    November 23rd, 2007 at 10:18am
  • Where's Adalia?

    Where's Adalia? (100)

    United States
    I know what you mean...for awhile, everyone I talked to was bi. I was like o.O

    I don't know, it kind of seemed strange. It's not something I'd choose, people get too much shit for it. I'd keep that kind of thing to myself if I was, anyways.
    But whatever. I don't think people in this generation are all too straight anyways.
    Eh, whatever. I'm just confused. >.<
    November 23rd, 2007 at 09:29am
  • Ciel Phantomhive.

    Ciel Phantomhive. (100)

    United Kingdom
    i don't get why people have to stick themselves in a box, sayign their completely straight or what not
    i don't see why they can't just go with their gut instinct and if they fall for some one of the same sex, so be it
    people confuse the shit outta me
    November 23rd, 2007 at 06:48am
  • WTF Apple Sauce

    WTF Apple Sauce (100)

    United States
    Soo many other people have posted journals saying this.
    But it was long ago when people actually posted more bullitons and more than 3 people read them.

    Just Alexa is right though, it is because they are "rare" here.

    Some people do lie when they say they are bi and lesbian, and it is stupid.
    You can't really believe them until they have had a girlfriend and done more than a kiss on the check.
    Guys don't lie because they hate being called gay.
    November 23rd, 2007 at 06:15am
  • Bad Luck.

    Bad Luck. (450)

    I agree with you, totally. Boys get more comments because they're "rare" here.

    And honestly, is anyone even straight anymore? No offense. Being attracted to the same sex has become a trend, I've noticed too. Yeah. I'm kinda confused.
    November 23rd, 2007 at 06:07am
  • The Joker

    The Joker (100)

    United States
    hahhaahh yay! I'm not alone in this realization! =DDDD
    November 23rd, 2007 at 06:04am