An A-Z of 2007.... my year in 26 phrases.... Its an Acrostic Poem if you like... - Comments

  • I WENT TO SPRING HARVEST!!!!!!! and i'm going again next year!!!!! unfortunately me and my whole chalet, which was my sister and 2 school friends, got a really nasty 24hr bug so we were all throwing up. crappy timing. but i recovered as soon as i could because i was determined not to waste any more time being ill =D

    and the amnesty international youth group that me and my friends are part of took part in the abolition anniversary thing; we did a big thing in our town where we got people to sign a petition to provide better care for people who have gotten out of trafficking, and amnesty made a video about it. we put people in shop windows with signs around their necks saying stuff like "15 year old mexican girl, domestic helper, smuggled across the USA border 3 years ago. has no legal statis and requires no medical insurance. has had 2 previous violent owners." (that was me!) i was in a cafe window. twas well cool =D

    sorry i've rambled on a bit- i just feel like talking. you going to springy this year?
    December 5th, 2007 at 03:58am
  • lol
    when you do your sleep out
    im gonna kick your box
    see how you like it...
    December 4th, 2007 at 05:36pm
  • Nice!! Hahaha - Myspace ~ the obession begins...
    December 4th, 2007 at 04:41pm