America - Comments

  • If everyone else in the world thinks America is so crappy, THEN STOP JUMPING OUR F UCKING BORDERS AND COMING IN ILLEGALLY. stop bitching about america, and then jumping on the first boat to NYC or LA or even Florida. Yeah, America might be cocky and sometimes pompous, but at least we fight for what we believe in, and don't go running to another location with our tails between our legs. You can't gripe about how crappy a nation is, when yours is just as if not more shitty. It's like someone buying you your least favorite ice cream, but as you complain about how it tastes, you're still eating it by the spoonful. And we may get involved in other ppl's fights, but at least we make a stand and try to do something about it.
    December 14th, 2007 at 09:41pm
  • I live in Australia and I'll tell you why the majority of American tourists that Iv'e run into piss me off. I was walking through the city once to my bus stop and it was near the International Hotel. Two Americans were reading The Advertiser and bitching about everything thats wrong about our country. Now, excuse me, but I was offended. It was completley rude of them to dump on a place that they are not only visitors in but a country that they, most likely, know nothing about.

    Secondly, I pick up American News Programmes through my cable and, my God. The news is so oversensationalized and spun to make The United States look like a shining beacon of a World Leader. -shrugs- I don't hate America or anything, I just think that my experiences (other than the ones Iv'e listed here) have made me a little hesitant of warming up to the country fully.
    December 14th, 2007 at 02:48pm
  • Personally, I've LIVED in other countries.
    And Americans are loud, stupid and hella fat (if you compare them to Europeans).
    other countries, aren't that well educated either. They think of us, only what they see on tv. Same like us.

    And to be honest, America kicks ass. (Minus the red necks)
    December 14th, 2007 at 12:22pm