Why can't I be more excited? - Comments

  • Sexie Pineapple xo

    Sexie Pineapple xo (100)

    United States
    "She'd rather have my best friend then myself as her daughter for that reason."

    i'm so sorry. i never knew that it was like that. if it helps any i know how you feel when i was good friends with briana my mom always told me that she wished i would more like her, or that she would rather have someone like her instead of someone like me. i really never wanted you to feel like that, i love you.

    <333 K
    December 28th, 2007 at 10:49am
  • Cursed333

    Cursed333 (150)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    I understand how you feel. Christmas is coming and I don't feel excited at all. I couldn't ask for gifts because what I want can't be given to me wrapped up in a box. I want friends in a world where I'm alone and lost. Sometimes I think that I'd like to be a little kid again too. When I was a kid, I didn't realize that I was ugly or anti-social and I didn't understand what real pain was. I didn't know lonliness and I didn't know that your heart could really break and I thought friends would last forever. I totally know what you mean. It should be your choice if you want a party or not.
    December 16th, 2007 at 08:17am
  • Booshmeister

    Booshmeister (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    You sound just like me...

    ...unsure of people, and you just want to stay to one side.

    I haven't been excited for a birthday since I turned 13, then they were just so anti-climax. The best part is the cake, seriously it is, I don't care about getting presents, and I don't like the attention...

    ...I was 16 in January and all my mates had parties and got drunk, where I just sat at home and watched a few DVDs and did nothing. Part of me wanted to be out there getting wasted, but I'm all for the simple life.

    A few of my friends just turned 17 and are planning their 18th birthday parties. I don't even want one. I just want a few friends over and chill out...
    December 16th, 2007 at 05:11am
  • Gerard Arthur Way

    Gerard Arthur Way (100)

    i wasn't excited too... :s
    i mean i'm younger than you , but i didn't want people to wish me a happy bday too, and i didn't really need a bday party or something like that, jsut being alone with some friends was what i wanted and what i did.

    i sometimes think my mom wants someone else as child too, but i know she loves me and i'm pretty sure your mom loves you too and doesn't want another kid...

    and i don't think you should be afraid of getting older, because every year you learn alot of stuff and idk how to say it...
    but i get your point somewhere, i wanna stay at my age too...
    but getting old is a part of life and we should get over it... :s

    ooh and i have the same thing with family, they don't understand me, and i don't understand them and i don't really like them, cos we have nothing in common...
    but you can't choose family and you should maybe just try to get along with them as long as tis needed...
    i try it too, even if it's not really easy...

    and if you don't want a sweet sixteen you shouldn't get one, it's your decission and i don't htink your mom or anyone else has something to do with that...

    sorry for my lame comment but i felt like telling you that... :s

    December 16th, 2007 at 02:18am