Long Story - Comments

  • charming.

    charming. (135)

    if its too small, hold Ctrl and scroll down

    and, rachel, this was an interesting journal.

    April 7th, 2007 at 05:01am
  • YouRockMyWorld

    YouRockMyWorld (100)

    United States
    Thats what it says sorry I felt like coppying and pasting it into a comment so i could read it-its too small on my page
    April 7th, 2007 at 04:49am
  • YouRockMyWorld

    YouRockMyWorld (100)

    United States
    ll, I'm so happy right now, and too lazy to write the whole story, but I will anyway.
    So I was invited to a party. An all guys school, our all girls school, and another all girls school.

    So... right now things are really changing. I have a boyfriend. I wouldn't tell anyone because I was afraid that Mary Egan (my friend who likes my boyfriend :[)would find out and get mad. She's so cool, but I think that she's mad at me and it's really hard for her. People said that he would ask me out before it happened.

    So we have a HUGE party. It's for four guys who are all awesome dudes and nice and everything.
    So, my friends invite me to this thing, and we're going to get ready for the party at my friend's grandmother's house, and then go to the party, and then after go to my other friend's house.

    We straighten our hair and I put on eyeliner, and even my less appealing friends and I look awesome. My friends are saying that the guy, Seth, is going to be blown away. I'm so nervous...

    AFTER PARTY... I will to the party later:
    We go to my friend Anna's house and have fun, eat Skittles and stay up until four.

    ... PARTY:
    I go inside... with this sick feeling in my stomach. We see Seth and my friends start to tackle me. They are saying that he's going to ask me out while they're giving out cake.
    The grass is all muddy and every time you step into the grass, your feet sink.

    So we play this circle game, where the girls stay in the middle in a circle, and the guys go on the outside of the circle, which is stupid because there are two times more girls than guys. So you play the fast music, and the girls go to the left and the guys go to the right... or the other way around. But then we are walking around, hiding behind people because we don't want to dance, and my friends are in a group, waiting for someone else in the group to dance. And the first one is my friend Hannah. She dances with my friend's brother, the friend who likes Seth. Mary Egan is kinda ticked because she is protective of her brother. Her brother only dances with Hannah because he feels bad because she likes him.
    THEN, I see Seth running around, trying to find... someone. We see him look over at me and run over, because he wanted to dance with me before someone else stopped him.
    So his friends and my friends push us together, and he asks me if I want to dance. I say yes, of course.
    So then he leaves and the fast music starts up. My friend, James comes over, with Seth behind him, trying to get to me first, but fails. And so he dances with Mary Egan, so he could be next to me. My friends are telling him to cut in, but he's like, 'BUT HE'S MY BEST FRIEND!'
    So that didn't work, he leaves and the game stops.
    So he's dancing with other girls, I'm getting jealous.
    Then the macerena comes on. My friends yank me over to him, and he asks me out, I say yes.
    He just says '... uh... see ya, I guess.'
    And I walk over to the table and get some water.

    Girls and guys that I don't know start to come up and congratulate me, and I'm like,
    'WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?!' And girls who are popular start to come up and hug me.

    So I'm watching Seth closely, making my friends spy on him.
    And he's dancing with every other fucking chick but me.
    He'll just gazelle hop away... inside joke.
    And he keeps passing me, like he's trying to find someone else.

    My friends notice, and they come over, and one of my other friends, Caroline, comes to me and says,
    'Do you want me to go and slap him?!'
    I say no, and Seth saunters over, like he's been stalking me.
    He says that he's sorry, and that it was his best friend, and he couldn't refuse.
    The sad thing is... she likes him more than a friend. And he knows damn well.

    So my friend Sarah is like,
    And so they move us together, and they keep pushing us closer and closer.
    And then Caroline says,
    'Hug her, hug her!'
    And they start chanting.
    And then Seth's friend that likes him goes,
    'Kiss her, kiss her!!'
    We spaz out and start to crack up.
    His brother goes,
    'Yeah Seth, go in for the kill!'
    We don't kiss, but he puts his arm around me. He has this smell... it's so sweet.

    SO, then he starts to STILL dance with other people. I'm so pissed.

    And this bitch named Katherine who thinks that she owns the world comes up to me and says,
    'Rachel.. I'm so sorry!' And she starts BAWLING and apologising. I give her a hug and ask what's wrong. She says that I'll hate her, and I say no, I won't. She doesn't believe me and runs off.
    So I send my friend Anna to go over and find out.

    So I get a Coke and walk over to the table to prop myself up, because I'm starting to feel sick again.

    Anna comes over. Katherine had liked Seth, and everyone had started a rumor that
    I stole Seth from Katherine.

    So, it's not such a big deal, and I shouldn't cry. But...
    I START BAWLING. And my friends all of them but my CLOSEST friends, who had no idea what was going on and still don't, are comforting me and letting me cry into their shoulders and giving out hugs.
    So we look over at Seth, and he's dancing with his friend that likes him... again.
    And suddenly, he turns around to see me with eyeliner dripping and tears in my eyes.
    So he tries to run away from his friend, but she tries to refuse. So then he leaves her.

    He runs up to Anna and asks her what is wrong, and she says,
    'Maybe Rachel should tell you...'
    And he says no, you should and makes her tell.

    So he FREAKS OUT. He has never been this hyper.
    So he comes over and Anna wipes the eyeliner off of my cheeks.
    Seth says,
    'Rachel, what's wrong? I like you, I'm going out with you, and I don't like Katherine at all. Please stop crying.'
    And then he begs me with his eyes.
    I stop. And then he gives me a hug.

    So Katherine comes up to me and says that she's so sorry, she hasn't spread any rumors, and she's so mad at herself and it's all her fault.
    I tell her that it's not, and I give her a hug.

    Some girls from the other all girls school, that we are natually rivals with, come over and give me hugs and swear that they didn't spread the rumor.
    The most popular girl in school comes up and asks Anna if she could hug me.
    And then she comes up and congratulates me.
    Seth's brother comes up and asks me if he can be of any help... wow.

    And suddenly, everyone knows.
    It's like I'm popular. Odd.
    And no one can hate me.

    So Seth comes up to me about four times and says goodnight.

    So my friends and I walk to the car, and we have to run in front of Seth's car, and we are walking to the car, and his car comes up.
    All of these hands are giving me 'rock out' signs and peace signs and the guys in the car... like, fifty of them are screaming,

    After all that... my friend Sarah tells me to find a boyfriend as good as Seth.
    My other friend tells me that I'm lucky to have someone like him.

    AND, before we leave... Mary Egan and my other ex-friend come up.
    They're like,
    'Bye Rachel, see you later!'
    And everyone knows what happened, but they don't seem to give a fuck.
    April 7th, 2007 at 04:48am