Some things just seem too hard. - Comments

  • Woah. Too much.
    But for that member in your band that thinks you rant too much; that's just mean. As you stated: you're just voicing your message. He/she shouldn't get mad at that. They just probably want spotlight. And for the other; he/she should take no sides at all. If they don't want trouble; stay out of it in the first place. & for the person who doesn't give a damn; he/she should give a damn. It their band too.

    Husband; you have a husband? Woah. Your 19... -buts out- To me; why is he cheating on you. If you can't take it - break up. It'll only hurt you more in the coming days.

    *hugs :]
    December 28th, 2007 at 09:32am