worried... - Comments

  • Truth is the key to everything.
    Anyone will forgive you if your honest- it makes them feel so much better. And understanding. Just give it a try. ;) Trust me, I know from experience. From BOTH sides of the story.
    January 20th, 2008 at 04:05am
  • aw, ur not a lunatic =( and u shud know she wudnt leave u because of this she already excepts u...im not sayin its gonna be all smooth sells , i mean sure itll get bumpy and rough at times. but u two will come through trust me on that...=D
    January 19th, 2008 at 10:46pm
  • Hola,
    Well um idk wat to say but you know that im your friend and you know that i will always be there for you nomatterwat. and if you know who wont understand were you are coming from then shes doesnt really like you though i doubt it because knowing her shes a really great person and idk about know in this sitation but shes an understanding person.
    January 19th, 2008 at 06:06pm
  • Hai
    Well if she's your girlfriend then just tell her what's bothering you. If she cares for you she'll want to help you get better and work things out, and be understanding towards you. Just be completely honest with her, that way she'll know that you trust her. Tell her you'r NOT depressed because of her (if that's the case, and it seems as though she's not the reason..?). I'm sure she'll understand as best as she can but you need to trust HER that she's going to trust you. I hope you sort things out okay. :]
    January 19th, 2008 at 10:46am