Global Warming - Comments

  • Critical_Lemon

    Critical_Lemon (100)

    New Zealand
    Hey, you've seen my car Dubdub! (I think) It's older than me but it uses bugger all petrol and is cleaner than most cars less than 10 years old. So there!

    I'm trying to remember if you wrote this before or after we spoke about electrifying the railways? WE NEED TO DO THAT.

    We do kinda need to weigh up some of the health benefits, does it benefit us more to have factories or people getting sick doing heaps of metal work etc. Some factories probably shouldn't go.
    February 9th, 2008 at 02:26am
  • Superhero.

    Superhero. (150)

    OMG coincidence or what?
    My dad was trying to get to to watch that :)

    AND My mum plants trees like... ALL the time.
    AND My school won a tree in a recycling thing.
    AND Yes. I think I should do more though, because it is coming.
    January 26th, 2008 at 11:52am
  • I'm death's beverage

    I'm death's beverage (100)

    New Zealand
    Yuss! finally i see a not so crappy journal!. I praise you. And yes, i believe in doing my part. I try never to litter, or i pick up other people's rubbish. I don't think i plant trees regularly but you made me think about doing so.

    The reason people make so much shit that doesn't last is because this world is obsessed with money. They create products that purposely won't last so that you buy more. We are surrounded by capitalists everywhere.
    I think Global warming will finally take it's toll, i feel sorry for that present generation when it happens. It would never have been their fault, it would have been ours. We're collective murders of the Earth and it's inhabitants.
    January 26th, 2008 at 07:02am