beep click bleep - Comments

  • Reverse Osmosis

    Reverse Osmosis (150)

    United States
    On this site,
    there is plenty of talent that goes unnoticed.

    It is clearly obvious that Mibba is very band fan-fiction orientated. (Especially with homosexual additions.)

    But yeah. We all are looking for some form of recognition. That's why we post things in the first place. To be able to see the words "Great!" "I love it!" "I want to read more!" It's a satisfaction. However, I'd like to point out that most of the works that get those comments aren't always that "deserving." Great things go unnoticed.

    It's kind of like reality. For example, compare it to music. Bubblegum pop and pop rock are really noticed. Indie bands, ha.

    As for the poetry, I'm not good at it myself. I suppose the choice to use rhyme is based on personal style. Perhaps it's on mibba quite a bit because there are a lot of younger members (13, 14, 15 years old) and rhyming is the easiest way to make a "poem." From my knowledge, poetry can be expressed in many different ways. =] I, myself, tend to lean towards a poetic prose feel. (Of course, I have none of that good stuff posted up on Mibba.)

    As for your prediction of nine readers, you might get more. Since you're a guy. It's ironic how sexist this site can be. Girls would rather comment guys than other girls. [This is a vague generalization, mind you.]
    February 7th, 2008 at 01:32am