Mistake - Comments

  • montypython124

    montypython124 (100)

    United States
    the best thing I've found out that
    ignore them.
    ignore the people that make you jealous.
    they probably like you in some way,
    just puttin on a mask,
    like you.
    they have probalems, their just hiding it.

    and someone may pop up.
    a true friend cares.
    a true friend will be there when you need them most.
    how could you have considered this person a friend when they didn't try to forgive you?
    when they left you when you needed them most?

    and being numb; ignoring those feelings won't help.
    ignoring them,
    sitting them aside
    will only make it worse.
    like poison.
    "Yeah, I ate something poisonus. I'll just prentedn that I didn't."
    but it'll still be there. It'll just keep tearing you apart.
    It will make you feel worse than it does now.

    Find someone,
    find something
    that you can tell your problems to.
    A notebook will listen for now.
    Tell it everything.
    It won't tell anyone.
    But you need a friend to help you get back on your feet.
    Someone who cares for you.

    February 9th, 2008 at 12:21am