How could you? - Comments

  • I agree with you and glad that you have the courage to let it out. I sometimes open up, but not as expressive as you are.
    I also hope you had fun at that concert because My Chemical Romance is the best! I got to see them in San Francisco on the third of April.
    June 6th, 2008 at 11:25pm
  • WOOOOT hope you have fun!!!!!! :D
    And RIGHT ON MAN with that person, I can't stand homophobes, I treat all people as equals. HOMOPHOBIA IS GAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!
    I had a huge argument with this bitch about her hating gay people lol I was so mad, and my friends didn't recognize me.. they wondered what the hell happened to me.. o.0
    Anyways hope you get the chance to beat that person up so bad she ends up in a mental asylum. I get unimaginably seethingly enragedly, lividly beside myself with fury when it comes to disgusting people like that.
    May 20th, 2008 at 11:32am
  • Omfg!!!!
    You're sooooo lucky!!!
    I wish My Chem would come here, but I get to see MSI and Madina Lake which is not as good as MCR, but better than nothing.
    Gah, that person just sounds like a bitch.
    I suggest you ignore them, or attack them with a spatula XD
    February 27th, 2008 at 11:00am
  • Well, it's better out than in, eh? Yeah, just agree.

    LUCKY! I couldn't get tickets to see My Chem. They're too expensive. *blinks back tears and then starts sobbing hard* Anyway, NO I AM NOT SEEING THEM THERE!

    February 27th, 2008 at 07:52am