OMG I am friggin trapped - Comments

  • BloodyXxXRose

    BloodyXxXRose (100)

    United States
    Thanks bunches for the tips guys I really apreciate it. I will keep that in mind.
    March 4th, 2008 at 02:22pm
  • Keith Moon

    Keith Moon (450)

    United States

    Here, this won't help much, but here *hands chocolate cupcake*

    I'm really sorry about your mom. She seems really rude. I think you should sit down and have a talk with her about how you are responsible enough to do this on your own. Ask her to give you a trial. Ask her if you can take your cell phone and go to the library for 1 hour to do a report, or check out some books, or something. Then, be home a little EARLIER than originally planned, and call her once you are outside the library going in. It'll work. My mom used to be the same way, until I asked her to give me a trial. She did, and now I do whatever because she trusts me.

    If that trial goes well, ask her for a few more. Then, start inviting some friends over, one at a time, and let her get to know them, and get used to them. And don't flip out every time she says no. Calmly ask her why, and explain your reasoning and reassure her about being home on time, taking your cell phone, etc., and NEVER lose your temper. Eventually, if you handle it like an adult, she'll learn that she can trust you, and that you aren't a little girl anymore.

    Wow, I sound smart XD

    Oh and about the dating age. Don't worry, I have one too : )

    *huggles once more*


    Starship Ninja (aka Alex)
    March 3rd, 2008 at 10:49pm
  • Carly.

    Carly. (100)

    Happy Birthday anyway.
    Geez... your Mum sounds so uptight. You have a dating age???
    March 3rd, 2008 at 04:58pm