I feel like such a horrible person. - Comments

  • Dude, you should totally e-mail him and tell him, if he made you feel so strongly about that.
    E-mail him this link or something. That's what these people live for, is touching other people's lives. It would make his day.... year..... ya know.
    Anyway. Yeah. You so should.


    P.S I DID and see where it got me? I'm writing a freakin' book with the guy!
    P.P.S That sounded like bragging. What I MEAN is that e-mailing him brings about good results =P
    P.P.P.S SEE LOOK AT ME! I read another one of your journals! I rock. Bring on the karma points (lol jk).
    September 16th, 2008 at 10:38pm
  • Awww, that made me get all misty-eyed... It makes me think of all the people in my life that are heros, but they just don't know how big of an impact they have...
    April 23rd, 2008 at 12:45am
  • Oh my gosh, Cherry.
    That made ME tear up, and I wasn't even there.
    The EXACT same thing happens at my school, with some kids just being repeatedly pushed down and manipulated.

    *is so sad now* =[[
    Imma go read some E. Allan Poe to cheer me up.
    April 17th, 2008 at 12:03pm