This is how thing've changed...but my pants still don't fit. - Comments

  • ella vator.

    ella vator. (100)

    United States
    108, that's pretty good. i'm like 120 right now, heh. sometimes i feel like a total fatass, but i know i'm not fat. one of my friends, she's so damn tiny, shes like 90 pounds, i'm jealous. heh. I guess it's better to not be udnerweight though, cause then i dont look like a stick compared to her... xD

    I hope you don't have to go back to the hospital. wow, i'm sorry about not getting your liscence or anything. I can't drive yet, and i've never taken drivers ed yet 'cause my mom never has time to take me, but if i couldn't get my liscence i think i'd cry. Simply becuase ic an't stand my mom, and once iget my liscnece i can drive somewehre... away from her fro awhile. like.. hang out at the mall..

    Yhea, i'm getting off topic. xD anyways...

    there's nothing wrong with being a vegetarian. it's not like you're anorexic or anyhting. you're still eating, you're just not eating meat.
    March 19th, 2008 at 05:20am
  • Frank!enstein

    Frank!enstein (100)

    United States
    Fuck you.
    Man, I'm really trying to loose weight. My goal is to be under 100.
    It hurts and it's hard. I weigh 109 right now. x)
    The way I'm loosing it all it's that great though. x-/
    March 18th, 2008 at 10:36pm