i want to.... - Comments

  • I don't know you, and I won't pretend to...please...don't kill yourself. I think it would be such a waste. What would the people that DO care about think? How would they feel? I almost commited suicide a couple years back....it was rough. I really don't want you to think you are alone.
    Because you're not. You're not Alone.
    A whole bunch of peole have already commented before me telling you the same thing.
    Because it is true. There are people here for you, even though you might not know them very well(like me!).
    If you need to chat, I'm here.
    <3 Ayame
    March 21st, 2008 at 06:57pm
  • You can always talk to someone, like a friend. Killing yourself is a damn waste. It really is.

    Listen to MCR or something, they seem to save everyone's life. hahaha. sorry that was mean..

    Anyways, don't cut. Do something to distract yourself from it, like call a friend, watch a funny movie, anything. just don't kill yourself, it's selfish, no matter how hard your life may seem.
    March 21st, 2008 at 12:18am
  • When you TRY to kill yourself, think what you're doing, and try not to follow through with it. Call some friends over and try to have fun. Maybe it'll make you smile! =D
    March 20th, 2008 at 07:31pm
  • We will always be there if you want to talk. :]
    You are not the only one out there who feels like that.
    Just talk to someone. Sometimes it is easier to type or write it out so try that.
    March 20th, 2008 at 06:33pm
  • Hey, I care if you die or not...
    Sad thing is, I tried killing myself a few weeks ago and know one noticed I was gone for days cold out on the floor, but I woke up eventually and they all thought I'd slept,...
    Just please don't try anything, I'll ALWAYS be here if you need to tallk
    March 20th, 2008 at 06:27pm