we ran out of gas halfway there - Comments

  • Oh I understand that.. sort of. My dad told me to go back and read the first one, to like understand his past or something. the words on his hands (goodbye, hello) confused me a little, like they had some special meaning that I couldn't understand.

    And it was genius, I loved it, and then it got confusing, but I still love it.

    and Thanks, my dad does rock.
    March 29th, 2008 at 03:35am
  • its like.. vanya was about the create the end of the world, by i believe having hte moon crash into the earth or something like that... but... crap, i dont remember who... but he had special talents and he was able stop the moon, and ended up saving everyone. vanya also got shot in the head.

    twas a bit of a confusing ending, but genius for the pasrts you understand. :]

    ur dad rocks. xD
    March 29th, 2008 at 03:30am