Jobs/College - Comments

  • Dan Moore

    Dan Moore (100)

    United States
    Jade I know you don't mind the sight of blood i was talking about the SMELL of it. You crinkle your nose and make faces when you see it. Well since i was on today i decided i'd comment on something of yours, I chose this. Well since you want to be a surgeon even though i know you wouldn't like it that much I just wanted to state that i'm thinking of not even going to college. I guess i want to get away from my family but yet i don't think i'm even going to college. It doesn't seem like me. Also i may very well just write for a living or be a farmer. (that's only if i marry that Kid which probably won't happen). I don't know what i'm going to do so your confused even though i think you should pick something else besides a surgeon. It seems to me like you want to do it for the money. Is that what you want to do it for? What do you want? I know you definately don't like to think of the future and this is totally random for you. I'm going to organize the rest of my books. Talk to you later
    May 12th, 2008 at 02:00am
  • YouRockMyWorld

    YouRockMyWorld (100)

    United States
    Well my mum said theres some things you can do as a job, and some you can do on the side as a hobby, like you say with writing. You could be a good surgeon. But if you want to be a childrens author, you could get a mediumish job in writing, or in the medical field, thats not your first choice, but it gets you stable income, and you still have time for writing your novels. Whereas if you became a surgeon, you might have to dedicate too much time to it, so you wouldn't have much time to think about your stories.

    But you should really talk to someone who knows you, like your mum, to get a better oppinion and help you make your decision.

    I have a simmilar problem. I don't know if I want to be in the medical field, but sometimes I do. And sometimes I think I should take the Dual Credit Biology class at school next year (so I'd get college credit for that course from the local college-that transfers to other colleges when I go to university, and you don't have to pay for it like you do in college.) And then the year afterwards I'd be able to take Dual Credit Anatomy and Physiology- which seems like the more intersting stuff-like they disected dead cats this year (yes it is kind of gross sorry). I don't like biology, and I'm not sure if I'd be able to pass, and I want to take Environmental science class next year. But I need the Biology to take the anatomy class in my senior year- so I'd be able to finish the college degree in a lot less time. But I don't know yet, and its really frustrating.
    March 30th, 2008 at 04:36am