"Rich guys drivin' big SUV's while kids are starving in the streets-It doesn't make sense to me" - Comments

  • I agree with this a lot Alex. All of this makes sense.
    I love animals and all but honestly I'm going to have to choose to save a person first and then I'll go back for the animal.
    But as for the misunderstood teen thing... I can understand that because I am one. Here's how my therapist told it to me, "On the outside, Rae, you look like an average girl who doesn't have anything wrong with her. But honey, on the inside things are so much tougher for you than most, you're a misunderstood child." I was like thank you sooo.... much.
    I agree with Zed and Reverse Osmosis 100%. I know I need to do so much more but I'm unsure as to what
    September 20th, 2009 at 06:22pm
  • XD
    Yeah, look at it on google. They're a fantastic charity. =]
    April 2nd, 2008 at 08:33pm
  • -refreshes page repeatedly for that ad..-
    I keep gettin' the asian singles one..
    google is my friend.
    although the lyrics of that song seem a little contrived to me :)
    April 2nd, 2008 at 08:14pm
  • I agree with Reverse Osmosis.
    It's all about greed. And most charities are corrupt-even things like Oxfam spend most of their money on first class plane tickets and stuff like that.
    But Plan is really good-you stick with them, and they show you how your money is spent, and you feel like you're making a difference.
    But, I guess it's everyone's personal opinion
    April 2nd, 2008 at 07:17pm
  • the joys of capitalism.

    Look, kid, I just don't trust those "charities." If you do your research, you might learn that charities don't give all the money to the people. They're scams. (Go figure.)

    We live in a greedy world...

    I don't think that we should be just giving them money out of our pockets. If the world cared enough, we'd be helping them establish a suitable government & economy... and giving them food and helping them with shelter and stuff.

    But like I said, we live in a capitalistic world. =/
    April 2nd, 2008 at 07:07pm
  • If anyone feels like doing something to help, the 'Plan' advert might flash up a few times near the top of the screen. Seriously, click on it.
    It's fantastic-I sponsor a child in Zimbabwe. I write letters to her, and receive them. It's lovely to know you are helping someone. And it's not just them-but their whole community.
    It's better to directly sponsor a child most of the times-although charities do do fantastic work, a lot of their funds do end up being spent on things that are along the track to the impoverished.
    But only click on the link if you really want to.
    April 2nd, 2008 at 06:44pm
  • I feel like this all the time.
    I look around, and am like...YOU could do something about the people starving.
    But then I look at myself-sure, I sponsor a child, and my parents do donate quite a large amount to charity...
    But I know I don't do enough. I know that there is so much more I could do.
    It's the same when I hate everything, or something, or I feel miserable. I then realise that there are people who are so, so, so, so (x 1 trillion) much worse off than me.
    It makes me feel physically sick.
    April 2nd, 2008 at 06:41pm