I Need Some Help... Please, It's Important, Really, I Hate To Admit It, But I'm Scared And I Need Someone - Comments

  • The Anthem

    The Anthem (150)

    You said you wanted someone to talk to?
    These guys don't judge or try to suck you in to anything:
    They helped me alot.

    As for my own advice, one thing that might help is letting people know what's wrong. It could be on here, in real life, what ever.
    I might be repeating what other people put, but if it get's to bad, telling your parents can't hurt.
    When I get like that I usually try to sleep it off. (It doesn't work half the time, but sometimes it does give you time to think.)
    At points it might get so bad your sure your hopeless, but don't listen to that. It's really hard not to, because I think that's one of the strongest things you go through, but try.
    Never be afraid to talk to someone on here. I know a lot of people will offer, including me.
    April 10th, 2008 at 02:13am
  • Say Goodbye

    Say Goodbye (100)

    Sweet Heart you have gotten yourself into a pickle. I am not so sure why or how it started, that maybe help in this situation.

    First, if you think that your parents wont love or care about you any more then you are sadly mistaken. They care about you more then you will ever know.

    Second, I believe that you need some help, from a professional. Not to say that you are nuts or anything, but if you are doing that kind of self mutilation, then something is loose in your head.

    Third, tell some one! Tell a family member, friend or your parent's. They will care. Even if you don't think that they do. If they do care, then they will go to either your parents or the student counselor.

    Forth, ''suicide is a bullshit way out.'' that was said by yours truly, Gerard Way. Suicide doesn't help anything. Think about all of the people that you will leave behind that will cry and miss you every day.

    Close friends, and family will want to see your wrist.

    Your parents will want to know why you are so quiet, why you don't talk much, and why you seem sad a lot.

    You will probably get mad because no one notices that there is something wrong.

    You will want too.

    When you know you shouldn't.


    It will keep your mind off of it.

    I went through it last year.

    I thought about suicide many times.

    And I am still here.

    PM me if you need to talk to some one, I am always one.

    April 10th, 2008 at 12:29am
  • C V.D P

    C V.D P (200)

    Wow. I never even had the guts to post a journal.

    You're gonna have to tell them sooner or later. I got in even more fucked up shit because I didn't tell them. It's hard to control yourself after when you've done it once and you're like 'Okay, I'm never gonna do it again.' But then, when times get to it's all-time high; you look at that knife, scissor, razor blade like it's your friend. You want to do it, you need the relief. But you know you can't.

    Honey, you've just gotten yourself into a mess.

    Therapists don’t do much harm. Some are really nice. Some, don’t understand, will never understand. You just have to play your fields right, and hope for the best. I didn't understand, and I still don't. If only someone told me what I'd have to go through. And I'm going to tell you.

    Your peers will tell you to show them your wrists.

    You parents will wonder why you never talk about anything and why you're acting like that.

    You'll get angry, and you'll get tempted.

    You've got to stay strong; you can't give in to the temptation. ‘I'm sorry, I can't’. Don't try to kill yourself, it never works. Just, please, talk to me if you need to.

    I went through this exact ordeal a couple months ago... And guess what?

    I'm still alive.

    (Wow... Sorry, didn't think that helped much.)
    April 10th, 2008 at 12:09am
  • Ciel Phantomhive.

    Ciel Phantomhive. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Sometimes you might think your parents won't understand, but they do

    And if you need to talk, I'm here
    April 10th, 2008 at 12:08am