Do you truly detest your parents? - Comments

  • morgan leigh.

    morgan leigh. (150)

    United States
    I love my mom, but I honesty hate my father (for many reason's i rather not say)
    my mom promises my stuff and she tries to live up to her promises and I understand if she can't.
    But my father? Doesn't keep a promise at all. Everything that he does is complete crap, he says he tries... yeah, well I don't believe until I see. My dad said he wasn't going to drink but he lied to my face and still drank. He lied about getting 2 DUI's and going to jail.
    I love my mom yeah, but I say otherwise to my dad.
    September 14th, 2008 at 07:40am
  • ella vator.

    ella vator. (100)

    United States
    I like my mom [love seems too strong a word]
    We get along, we talk, sometimes. But that's about it. She doesn't buy me anything, except for paying for the phone bill. I can't even use my phone 'cause she doesn't want to pay for the minutes. So why bother having it? Idk.

    She verbally abuses me, tells me I'm not good enough, tells me not to fuck up anymore, but I can't help it. Tells me I can do better, compares me to my sisters, says stuff like, "Why can't you be like them?"

    I have to buy my own clothes with birthday money/christmas money, etc. I buy my own music, acessories, crap like that. I have to pay for my own car [when I get one] Have to pay for college by myself, if I get accepted

    But I still respect her, because she raised me right. I'm not some stupid kid who can't control myself. But I wouldn't say I love her to peices, just respect her as an adult. I wouldn't say I hate her, but I certainly don't love her too much.
    April 16th, 2008 at 03:46am
  • V. Valo

    V. Valo (105)

    United States
    That is true.
    I love my mom and dad to pieces!
    They can be a little annoying sometimes, but I love them still!
    Maybe it's just that we all get a little over dramatic sometimes.
    April 16th, 2008 at 03:16am
  • Say Goodbye

    Say Goodbye (100)

    I do agree.
    I love my mom.
    She is the best.
    I may not like her sometimes when she is annoying me, but I will never in a million years hate her.
    But I do understand what you are saying.
    April 16th, 2008 at 02:59am
  • Love.Is.Now

    Love.Is.Now (100)

    United States
    I will agree with you about parents do so much for us...
    But are they good parents if they disown you at 14 cause you dont wanna go to collage? and they make you transfer schools, and move so they dont have to spend more money on taxes just becasue they dont have to save for collage for you?
    Are they a good parent if they tell you your fatt? Or say your not fatt enough?
    or they call you mentaly retarted cause you wont swallow pills?
    or they treat your friends better then they treat you?

    Idk maybe my parents are normal, maybe all parents say this, or do that...Idk
    Sorry i felt this was a good time to rant... sorry
    April 16th, 2008 at 02:47am
  • porn

    porn (200)

    United States
    I am probably the worst person to comment this journal because in actuality I do have reason justified enough to hate and detest my mother. You know some of them munch all in all I think parents today do a great job at raising their children. :)

    April 16th, 2008 at 01:56am
  • i'VeLoStMyHeArT

    i'VeLoStMyHeArT (100)

    United States
    I only live with my mom, and we get along most of the time, Imean I'm kinda spoiled so if I don't get something I think I should have, I'll call her unfair.
    But I've never called her an Asshole.
    I think maybe kids just wanna fit with the whole
    'hate the authority' thing ya know?
    April 16th, 2008 at 01:45am
  • Chelsea.Dagger

    Chelsea.Dagger (200)

    United Kingdom
    I idolise my mum. She is like my best friend and although we fall out alot, I love her to pieces. She has been through alot of stuff this past year and still is and she still manages to smile and do her best for me and my sister. She's amazing despite whatever troubles she goes through.

    It's more than I can say for my dad. He is a different story. Whilst he pays for my maintenance, that's only cause he has to. I don't dislike, (not hate.) my dad for petty reasons but I have real reasons behind not liking him.

    So I understand if you have a real, understandable reason for disliking a parent but for reasons such as taking away a phone or computer is stupid.
    April 16th, 2008 at 01:43am
  • xofireatwillox

    xofireatwillox (100)

    United States
    I realize that but I like to rant a lot so I call them assholes. But in general I'm glad they saved me from being under control of the Federal Government for the rest of my life and actually gave me a loving family instead of staying in an everlasting chain of foster homes in Korea =]
    April 16th, 2008 at 01:37am
  • Slap Shot

    Slap Shot (100)

    United States
    I made journals about this before. Because I love my parents. They're my heroes.
    There's people without parents or money.
    But yet, they just HATE their mom because she wouldn't buy them that Gerard Way poster.
    Oh, and I've read one before, the girl was mad because her mom wouldn't clean her room. And her dad was supposed to clean her room.
    So she hated her mom.

    It's stupid, and people need to realize that they actually have it good.

    My family is like Spaztastic.
    They let me follow my dreams with ice skating and all.
    And they're soo funny. We're a laughing, joking, fun family.
    April 16th, 2008 at 01:32am
  • Spaztastic

    Spaztastic (640)

    United States
    I don't know what my dad is like to really live with because I only see him every other weekend, but he's pretty cool.
    Now my mom...I love her so much. I wouldn't trade her in for another mother. My mom lets me be myself and really doesn't care (same with my dad. He thinks it's entertaining when I dye my hair). I guess she's used to it now - me being her third - and knows she can't stop me. But she does care for me and sets down rules, which aren't even that strict. I've never been grounded in my life. I'm not spoiled, though. I really hate it when people think I'm spoiled because I've never been grounded. I have to work for my money and CDs I want to buy and concerts I want to go to. I like that my parents raised me that way, though. It prepares me for the real world.

    When my friends are over I never tell my mom to leave or say I hate her when she leaves the room. There are a lot of times that my friends and I will actually talk to her. Until she takes her nap that is. xD

    Both my parents and I joke around a lot. My dad is basically like another friend of mine, and we tell each other they're stupid and to "shut your face" all the time.
    I was raised in a very nice family.
    April 16th, 2008 at 01:32am