Do you ever get that feeling? That you lack. That you're. . . empty? - Comments

  • silly ann murphy

    silly ann murphy (150)

    Oh, Erk. -hugs-

    Don't you ever feel that way. It's not right. I've been there, and it was such a horrible, horrible time in my life. It sucked--Gio Pino balls.

    You feel like falling all the time, don't you? And it feels like breathing is hard; like the breath just gets caught up in your throat, doesn't it? I don't want you to feel that way ever.

    I will find a way to help you find your enthusiasm. It just got lost, that's all. Maybe this is just God's way of saying that you should appreciate all the times that you smile, because it's not that easy to stay happy anymore.

    Believe me. I get it all the time.

    I'll make you feel special, Erk. Even if I have to die trying. If I had to die or sacrifice all I have just to put a tight-lipped half smile on your lips, I would. Yes, I love you that much.

    God, the Internet's making me cry a lot these days. ):

    My advice to you now is don't distance yourself. From anything. Even negative emotions. Don't get sucked it and be hypnotized with the confusion of anger and hatred, but just look at it as something to fill in the emptiness you're feeling. It'll feel tons better once you know that you actually feel something. At least it worked for me.

    Talk to your friends. I know you're sick right now and you can't come on the phone. But you should stay close to those that make you smile.

    Listen to lots of MCR, if they make you happy as opposed to make you cry. They made me feel tons better, and--for the least bit--understood.

    :arms: I really hope I helped.

    And I really do mean it. I'll--We'll make you feel better, even if I have to die trying.

    -hug- -squeeze- -hug-
    May 3rd, 2008 at 09:28am
  • Pseudonym

    Pseudonym (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    yeah, I get that too, I think everyone does. Maybe if you talk to someone about it it would seem less frightening, maybe it happens to your friends too. It's weird, it comes from nowhere, and a few hours/days/even weeks later it's gone again.
    Maybe you should try and act normally, like on the outside, more often than not, with me, it goes away quicker.
    It's great when you come out the other end, and you realize that yes, there is something to live for, because there always is. :)
    Oh and that thing about committing a murder, yeah that sucks.
    Hope this helped! :)
    April 25th, 2008 at 06:10pm
  • Free Mibba

    Free Mibba (150)

    United States
    yeahh... alot.... but it comes and it goes and it comes back and it leaves again...

    so I normally just wait it out...

    but I dunno if it'll work for you, or if it's a good idea at all..

    maybe you should tell your parents or your friends or someone you trust, in real life, not on the internet. I mean, I love my internet friends, but sometimes you need to see someone face-to-face; it feels a bit more.. real? I dunno.

    But I did come up with a theory, from talking about this with an online friend...

    If your on the computer talking with people more often than not, it kinda... well, not really "changes" but it does something. Things kind of feel a lot less real because there's really no interacting with anyone; just staring at words on a computer screen. And when you do find yourself in a physically social... erm, place, I guess... it's kinda...

    Well... I don't really know how to explain it better than that, I guess. It's a really bad explaination, but if you get the same feelings, you'll probably know what I'm talking about, yeah?

    Anyway, that sometimes causes depression, one way or another. I don't really know details and such, for this is only a theory, but yeah.

    I dunno, if you know what I'm talking about, maybe you could fill in the blanks to find your answer. I dunno.

    If it's not that, it could be depression caused by something else or... erm, that kind of depression you get for no reason, I think it's genetic or something, I dunno.

    Basically, its most likely depression, and you should look into the reasoning as to why you're depressed.

    Yeah, hope this helps. :]
    April 25th, 2008 at 04:02pm